I want to upgrade my CDP

I'm currently using a Gamut cd-1 and I'm looking at the Gamut Cd-3, The Lector cdp-7t, the bluenote player that retails at 6000.00 and the Cary unit that retails for 6000.00 and plays redbook Cd's and Sacd's. I can't find any dealers that stocks the Lector or Bluenote player for demo. There are 2 companys that offer it mail order but I need to demo first before I spend that kind of cash.
I don't think he carries the line anymore, but Steve Klein at Sounds of Silence (www.soundsofsilence.com) did carry Lector at one point, and said that the Bluenote Stibbert blew it away. He's now a Bluenote dealer. Hope this helps.
Audio Limits sells the Lector line. I purchased a Gamut1 from him before he dropped the Gamut line. I now own a Gamut 3 very detailed and smooth. I visit my local high end dealers to compare the sound and the Gamut 3 is a great CD player that can compete with the best of them.