I want to stream Tidal to Mytek Brooklyn DAC ...

I've been streaming music from Tidal through a Sonos Connect that's hooked into my main rig -- Sonos to DAC to preamp, etc. --  but I'm looking to improve the sound. I'm interested in MQA, when available, but will be plenty happy to stream non-MQA files from Tidal, too. If I get a Mytek Brooklyn DAC, which I'm close to pulling the trigger on, what streamer would fit the bill? From what I've read, it would seem that a Bluesound Node 2 might do the job. Are there others -- better options? -- that I should be considering?

As my router is a fairly long distance from my stereo, I'd very much prefer wireless solutions, though I'd suppose I could find a way to run a fairly long ethernet cable -- down into the basement, etc. -- all the way to the router, if that's the only viable solution.

That said, when a wired connection is necessary, would  plugging the streamer into an Airport -- Extreme or Express -- on the network effectively fool the streamer into thinking it was wired to the router?

Thanks very much for any help you can provide an old-timer on this front.

-- Howard

Wifi can be good, but depends on your environment. Apartments are often congested. If you have 5 GHz Wifi it's a little better. I lived in a building and the ONLY way to get reliable Netflix for most people was wired.

I strongly encourage you to check out some of the great Wi-Fi apps out there, including Wi-Fi Analyzer for Android. It will help you discover your local situation, as well as help pick unused WiFi channels.

In addition, the quality of wi-fi routers is still in the 21st century, pretty iffy. They overheat and reset often.

I like TP-Link for reliability in that respect.


I'm also thinking about purchasing the Brooklyn.  My iMac is in the same room as my music system, and I can run a usb from Mac to Brooklyn.  The Mac is using wifi which the router is in the next room.

I've been using Audirvana (with iPad app as remote) to stream Tidal HIFI right now, without a single issue.  Just wanted to confirm with everyone that I would be able to stream MQA wirelessly as well.  I don't see how it would be any different, but maybe I'm missing something.
I connected a wireless access point (WAP) to my main router using a short ethernet cable.  The Node 2 is the only device on the new WAP.  The wifi performance is much better now. 
The best way to improve sound quality, if you are happy with your Node, is to add an external DAC.  There are many choices in the $500 range.  I'm using a Node 2 with a PS Audio Link 3.