I want to buy new speakers for 50,000 and see it used for 30,000, what should I do?

two issues here, would it be smarter to buy the used speakers not knowing where they’ve been or how hard they’ve been played or maybe there’s something wrong with them. And the other issue is what happens to the value of my speakers immediately after the box comes to my house. And I guess the third issue is, amI insane for buying $50,000 speakers.

It seems like I’ll be losing $20,000 immediately and of course probably a little more since if I ever sell they will need to be reduced further so used price can be 30,000 if a dealer is involved which they probably will be.

This raises a serious concern that very nice speakers are just too expensive.

Fortunately (and luckily) I’m not married so that makes this process a lot easier


Showing 1 response by ddgtt

I was pleasantly surprised to see so much good advice hear.  Many analogies have been made, but at the risk of repetition, let me revisit one. Are you an enthusiast or do you have casual interest in audio? How much do you love and value music?  If you're like me, music is one of those things that makes life so rewarding.  To reuse the automobile analogy; if someone is an auto enthusiast and has been dreaming of the perfect car for him/her, then you want the car to be the right color, have the right engine, and possess your favorite options. Sure, when you drive the new car off the showroom floor you lose money on the used market. But are you purchasing the car for its value on the used market or purchasing it for the pride of ownership and the value of the ride and the thrill you get?  High end audio is the same way, perhaps even more individual and emotional.  Buy the speaker you want brand new. Get the color you want and the model that gives you that thrill. Not only is there pride of ownership, but there's the music that will be coming from these beauties and gracing your home!  That's why we love audio!