I wanna hear some "audio" jokes...and

real life experiences or blunders. Don't be shy, I promise I'll laugh!

Showing 5 responses by sean

Tim, i can relate to your comments about guitar players and volume. Having done professional sound reinforcement, the only guys that i had to battle with about on-stage volume levels were the lead guitar players. If you told them that they were too loud or over-powering the rest of the band, you could almost see an evil grin sneak onto their face. They would then turn around and "fake" turning down the gain on their amp. I guess that they thought i was deaf, dumb and blind. They might have been right about the dumb part, but i can still see and hear : )

I learned how to deal with this type of situation REAL fast. I would simply tell them that if they kept their amp cranked up on stage, i would simply turn them down through the PA. I'd casually add that the guitar might sound good to the people standing in front of the "stack", but i would make sure that nobody else could here their guitar anywhere else in the club.

THAT got their attention REAL fast : ) Sean
Driver: Most of the bands that i've worked with have been at their request. As such, they've come to trust my judgment and don't give me a hassle as they know i'm only there to do my job and make them sound the best that i can. However, there have been a few guys that took quite a while to get this idea through their thick skulls.

I chose the method that i did as i do not want a confrontation. Nor do i want to spoil what is supposed to be an enjoyable event for all involved. Giving / getting attitude never makes for smiling faces and "forcing the situation" would do just that. Dropping "subtle" hints can typically get the job done. I see your point though : )

Rockvirgo: That must have been a VERY thin record and some VERY hot water. YOW !!!

As to your comments about the "water", i hope that it was not what i think it was. Can you imagine the "jolt" that you would have gotten if the electricity would have followed the path of the "stream" backwards ??? YOW again.... Sean
Audioak, now THAT was a good one and i can relate : ) I think that bass players tend to party the hardest as they get far less recognition than the singer, guitarist(s) and the drummer. Maybe that's why i don't remember much from the age of about 21 to 28 or so : ) Sean
WOW !!! No offense to Craig, but i think that he wins the "horror story" part of this thread hands down.

Honestly though, since you confessed that much to us, you can go all the way and finish the story i.e. did you have to change your underwear after that one ? : )

As a side note to Craig, maybe you should put those CD's and the wooden CD case for sale on ebay. You could say something like "sold as is, no guarantee as i think that these CD's are "shot" : ) Sean
Much like Jimi, Listener is "deceased". You don't have to worry about any more rabbits or issues showing up... Sean