I wanna hear some "audio" jokes...and

real life experiences or blunders. Don't be shy, I promise I'll laugh!

Showing 2 responses by detlof

True story:
An enamoured audiophile led the adored one into his music room, to beguile her with some music, he had carefully selected before. The lady looked around and and accusingly said: "This room is full of electro-smog. I'll not sit here for a second". He was a man of consequence . He called her a taxi and never saw her again.

P.S. Albert, wrong! 1, 3,5,6 and 8 did. So there you are.
Two shrinks meet in the street. Says the one to the other:
"Hallo Dr. Jones, you're fine! How am I ?? "
(Could also be applied to two audiophiles, having listened to each other's systems......)