Valid points says alot for a product when a fellow is so taken he starts a site to extoll the virtues of something.Going to a dedicated room in Kansas is very similiar to a Star Wars venture,at least the last time I was there.....kind of like yesterday when I saw Peter Cushing in a Laurel and Hardy movie...hard to describe when you've been transported sometimes to others who haven't....cheers,Bob
I've heard the MartinLogan CLX.... WOW
WOW. Amazing.. Spectacular. Astonishing.
Can't say enough good things about them... I spent the entire day last Saturday at ML headquarters in Lawrence, KS in their listening room. Me and my CDs with the doors closed for 8 hours!!
I've written a full review on the ML Club website.
martinloganowners dot com
Can't say enough good things about them... I spent the entire day last Saturday at ML headquarters in Lawrence, KS in their listening room. Me and my CDs with the doors closed for 8 hours!!
I've written a full review on the ML Club website.
martinloganowners dot com