I've heard the MartinLogan CLX.... WOW

WOW. Amazing.. Spectacular. Astonishing.

Can't say enough good things about them... I spent the entire day last Saturday at ML headquarters in Lawrence, KS in their listening room. Me and my CDs with the doors closed for 8 hours!!

I've written a full review on the ML Club website.

martinloganowners dot com

Showing 1 response by usblues

Valid points Gregadd...it says alot for a product when a fellow is so taken he starts a site to extoll the virtues of something.Going to a dedicated room in Kansas is very similiar to a Star Wars venture,at least the last time I was there.....kind of like yesterday when I saw Peter Cushing in a Laurel and Hardy movie...hard to describe when you've been transported sometimes to others who haven't....cheers,Bob