I've been selling heavier gear for lighter gear

I've been thinking about this again. Yesterday I wrapped my freshly sold 55lb ss amp in a buncha bubble wrap, double boxed w/styro sides, then took to mail store (rolled in on a dolly). Later in the day I returned to pick up my 2nd Carver Black Magic tube amp, which weighs all of about 20lbs. If I hadn't bought them was gonna buy van Alstine monos, which are also small & light. 

Earlier this year sold 110lb speakers and bought kef blade 2 (80 lbs & easy to maneuver). 

I've been moving the platform stands around a bit for mono placements, and having lightweight amps is soooo relaxing. How about here, how bout there, np. 

Anyhoots, who else factors in the tonnage of the gear they buy? Any other 'lightweight' fans like me? 


Showing 2 responses by musicfan2349

@zufan yeah, I get it. Earlier this year I went to FL from WA to pack up my deceased pop's rig that he left me...

B&W Matrix 800s (~250lbs ea)

VPI TNT V Hotrod (~150lbs)

Jadis JP80 MC (~70lbs)

Jadis Defy 7 (~80lbs)

Accuphase DP90 and DC 91 (~70lbs)

Cabling for all that I'm guessing 80lbs

And best of all the 1,300lbs of LPs...

I'm simultaneously eager and terrified the day I decide to set it all back up!!

Happy listening. (And lift with your back!)😨 


@asvjerry yeah, I was pop's "strong back" for many a year and odd job. 🤣

It took me about a week to disassemble and pack everything into their crates and boxes. (Interesting factoid: Those B&W's are shipped in Danish wood crates!) Thank goodness pop kept all of them. The LPs went into moving boxes of course. I hired day labor and a truck to help me get it all into storage in FL. Then I flew down later with my wife to rent a Sprinter type truck to drive it all up here to WA. Great trip! The day labor I'd hired to help me load the truck ghosted us so she and I loaded the truck in 95F heat and who knows what humidity. Love that girl! What a trooper.

I'm going to be 66 in January and after a career behind a keyboard, while I'm not as fit as I should be, nor am I as stupid as I could be. LOL Got here and hired some bodies to help me unload...

Happy listening.