I think some cables are just a little too expensive.

A while back a shop I did business with carried Transparent Audio Cables. They were so expensive it was obscene. They did sound good, but you had to move up from the bottom to the more idiotically pricey models to start to feel the magic. It had been several years ago and I wanted to check in on my old friends at Transparent Audio. This is their top of the line speaker cable. Now if you don't have a problem with this whole cable thing, this might push you over the edge. I can't imagine a speaker that would need such a cable. Wilson? Rockport? What amp? You can buy a nice luxury vehicle for the same price as a pair of speaker cables? Nelson Pass would be embarrassed to see these monstrosities on one of his amplifiers.


Showing 2 responses by tablejockey

"Hey tablejocky. Are those self powered speakers. If so, yeah you could do without $65,000 cables. I've never h"eard of them. How much would a pair set you back? Or is it if you have to ask..."


I'm just goofing on the whole premise...
Those speaker have a list of $500,000.00
 A $65,000.00 cable set is too cheap!

Prices for audio gear are what they are. Value is in the ear of the listener with an open wallet.