I think I am going to attempt to make turntatbles

First off let me say I am not new to the audio realm. I am a computer engineer and yes I realize that deals in ones and zeros. However, I have made a few custom guitars. I know a master woodworker and a talented machinist. I have been searching for that perfect table for years whilst living in mediocrity. Well, I have the resources; why not make one from scratch. More than likely I am going to attempt a belt drive unit at first using an off the shelf arm... More than likely an SME. I am working on the power supply circuitry right now as my piece. Any one have any tips... I am thinking solid, large mdf plinth with an attached copper mat and either a heavy plinth with an acoustically decoupled motor or completely detached. Thoughts?

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Good for you... I applaud your interest. I would caution you to keep this effort as a hobby, and not expect to make boatloads of dollars from it. I talk from experience. If indeed it turns to gold that others are willing to pay for...so much the better. Good luck