I Take My Music Seriously

Sometimes too seriously. I can't help it. Being musical is something one is born with. Some people are more musical than others. I studied as a classical pianist for 12 years at the Conservatory of Music. What is your background? How musical are you and how seriously do you take your music system?

Showing 2 responses by sabai

You stated, "I find myself less tolerant of others tastes." This reminds me of a story about Frank Sinatra. He was being wheeled into the operating room for abdominal surgery. The nurse asked, "Mr. Sinatra, are you allergic to anything?". He replied, "Yes, I am." The nurse inquired, "What are you allergic to, Mr, Sinatra." He replied, "Country and Western music."

Personally, I am crazy about Hank Williams.
I am also becoming happy with my music system for the first. My father bought me my first system system in 1967. It was a simple vinyl rig that I enjoyed hugely when I was entering university. I could not afford to buy many albums so I struck a deal with the local record store. Each week they would give me a free copy of the record of my choice and I would review it for the college newspaper. This worked out well. My call on the Fifth Dimension's first album was spot on. I predicted their rise to stardom and felt good when they made it. I still like them -- especially their latest remastered hits.

Music is much more than a hobby for me. It is a passion and a very important part of my life. I listen to mostly classical, jazz and blues these days. When a component goes on the fritz and needs to visit the repair shop for any length of time I go into a deep funk. No music in the house is like the death of a close relative. Well, not exactly, but I think you know what I mean if you take music as seriously as I do.

My audio system is just getting to where I can really enjoy it -- and more changes are coming in the near future. This is the first time in my life I can afford a really good system. I am doing my best to squeeze the best value out of each audio dollar.