I sold a CAL Aria Tube CD player and buyer claims a burning smell

Hi all, I sold a non functioning CAL Aria Tube CD player due to a problem to the drawer which was stuck and didn't open. The buyer claims there was a heavy burnt smell when he received it. Is this possible? I packed it myself and for certain I did not smell anything. Thank you for any expert opinion you could share with me. 
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Thank you very much for your honest and detaild answer, as well as for your advise. Yes, it was through Ebay/Paypal and I did specify the unit was not working, I just can't believe how some people would flagrantly lie and rig the system. I was ready to fight it because I believe in justice and fairness, and this buyer really is a crook, but after reading your answer I may just follow your suggestion. It's very frustrating though.
Thank you very very much again! A