I need suggestions for a minisystem.

I'm a 47 year old technophobe interested in a high end bedroom minisystem.I have eliminated the Linn Classik for cost reasons so I'm left with the Denon DM50 orDF100MC versus the NAD Music System. If I don't need the warranty the Denon systems can be bought for below the retail price but it looks like I will have to pay full price for the NAD.Is it worth the price?Thanks

Showing 1 response by nealhood

I own the Denon DM-50 and the transport drawer quit working after 3 months. In addition, when it was working the sonic character was very flat and pale. Maybe lifeless is a better word. I decided not to get it fixed since the sound quality was relatively poor from my point of view. Today I just use its tuner which is half way decent.

The speakers that come with this unit, Mission MS-50, are also decent. Smooth sounding and musical. Decent clarity also. These comments apply only when driven by another amplifier though.

I have listened to the Linn Classik and liked it quite a bit more. I mean quite a bit. But, it does cost much more than the Denon. Still, my advice would be to skip the vacation this year and go with the Classik. Its a safe buy. Add that little Acoustic Energy Aego speaker system and you will have a near full range high end system that will fit in a Jansport back pack. Now what could be better!