I need some turntable guidance

I am wanting to acquire a turntable but don't have enough information to make an appropriate purchase just yet. My two systems:

preamp-  Mac C2300 tube and has built in phono

Krell MCX 350 monos and PBN Audio KAS speakers

Mac MC275 tube amp and Klipschorn speakers with Volti upgrades

What price range should I be looking in? I want something that sounds great but is also appropriate for my level of gear. In other words, I don't want to under buy or over buy. What TTs would you guys suggest to me? 


Showing 3 responses by rauliruegas

Dear @stringreen  : "  Everyone has their opinions/biases...""

that's rigth but here we have not only some one biased through an audio item in specific but a true fanatic that really die for it.

The LP12 people are fanatics with no common sense about, it's the same with the ET tonearms.

Every one is free to post whatever he wants.

In my case and if I was hunting for a new TT I never will think or have in my mind the mediocrity of that Linn TT or the ET tonearm and I said that with all respect to the audio items owners of it.

The history/tales never end when we are talking with fanatics.

In the other side I would like to ask  to  @wemfan  if he already has or took a choice on the TT/tonearm/cartridge for his audio system?, because this is the main subject in the OP. @wemfan  could you share with us your choices?. Thank's in advance.

Dear @wemfan : This SME TT/tonearm is an excellent option for you:


or a choice of today top of the line very well regarded Technics:


In any case you need a cartridge with higher output level than the Ortofon MC named here and my recomendation is to go with Lyra line:


I used two different Lyra models with the SME tonearm and is very good match as will be the Technics.

Cartridges as the top Ortofon, Lyra, My Sonic Labs and the like are looking for a first rate phono stage for that cartridge could shows at its best, Your C2300 could be a weak link about but it's what you own and what you like.

All in analog is important but the source is of main importance and the cartridge is that source ( other than the LP. ), it's whom generates the analog signal: it's the transducer.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,