I need help trying to decide which bookshelf speakers to purchase

Let me try to narrow it down.
I have an NAD T777 V3 with surround sound.  I am looking for two bookshelf speakers for stereo listening.  I want to keep the budget around $3K new or used.  Room size is 20' X 18' with an additional open foyer with a stair well and an opening to a hall way.  Not a totally closed square room.

So far I have tried the following speakers.  Elac UB5s, SVS Ultras, Revel Concerta 2 M16, Paradigm Prestige 15, and Dynaudio X18.  We don't have many audio stores around, so I can't listen to many speakers.  We have the Best Buys. and NFM, but not much else.  So far I have purchased all speakers without hearing them except the SVS Ultras.

I don't want to keep spending money on speakers without hearing them.  My plan is to get some recommendations on speakers, and travel to places that have new speakers so I can listen, or take a chance on used speakers without hearing them.

Let me list the speakers I have tried.  I would rate the speakers I have tried in this order (Favorite to least favorite)

Dynaudio X18,
Paradigm Prestige 15 (a close second),
SVS Ultras,
Elac UB5,
Revel M16

I noticed some speakers for sale on this site.

Totem Mani 2 Signatures,
T+A Elektroakustic TCD410,
Dynaudio Contour 20 Bookshelf Speakers

I know it's a stretch, but based on what I like in speakers so far, do you think I would like the ones I listed? What are their characteristics?

Fritz Carrera and you're done.

Search this site for those names, and you'll find consistently glowing reviews.

atl4love added Nola Boxer 2, to the list.  Thanks!
dynguy I am interested in the Dyno Special 40, Contour 20, or the Evoke 20.  The Evoke is a new line and I am curious about those.  The nearest Dynaudio dealer is a couple hundred miles from here.  I may make the trip to check them out.

I am leaning toward Dynaudio, but want to hear some other speakers too.  I am not going to purchase anything soon.  I want to take some time and get it right. 

Like I said earlier, I tried these speakers and I like the Dyno's, but want to see whats out there for a better sound.  I really do like the X18s. Dynaudio X18,
Paradigm Prestige 15 (a close second),
SVS Ultras,
Elac UB5,
Revel M16

gdnrbob Bob, two speakers in one?  The tweeter inside the woofer?  I admit I am a real piker when it comes to audio, but that scares me.  I know Vandersteens have a tremendous reputation, and if I come across the VLRs or the VLR CT, I will take a look.  The Kef's look the same way and I have avoided them too.  Added to the list.

rixthetrick  Don't know if the wife would go with those colors.  The speakers appear to be well built speakers.  One speaker weighs 12kg (26.4lbs). Some heavy material in there.

firstnot I live in Misery.  Won' be coming to AZ anytime soon, but would love to see the event.
bongofury1956 Hi Bongo!

bignamehere I remember Kef back in the 80s.  I can't remember why I didn't like them.  I ended up purchasing Mordaunt Shorts back then and I loved them and wish I had never sold them.  I know the speakers today are better then those Shorts,  Those short could move some air.  You could actually see it. I was turned off by Kef back in the day and have not looked back.  Maybe I should give them a listen.  You may have talked me into a listen, but I'm skeptical.  I thank you for chiming in though.  It may open my mind.
loomisjohnson I am leaning toward Dynaudio.  I plan on selling the Prestige 15 b.

So far these are the ones I want to check.
Totem Forest or Mani-2 signature?

Nola Boxer 2

Buchart S400's

Dynaudio Special 40, Contour 20 or Evoke 20

Vandersteen VLR ct

Since Kef is sold all over, I will give them a listen. (still skeptical)
This search and audition will not happen overnight.  I need to save some more cash and sell some speakers.  I will add more to speakers to this list. I will post again when I finally make a purchase.  Thanks for your help!     

777 v3 has Dirac.   Makes such a huge impact that I think speaker choice is less critical with some of the quality pieces mentioned. Revel M16s I currently own are one my favorites.  Cambridge Aeros match in my theater are a great match for my 758 V3 and have a very different sound in mids that is very attractive.
brewered The Dirac works pretty good.  Takes a while to set it up.  I had to work with the Dirac folks to get it to work with Windows 10.  There was a minor coding error in the software and it wouldn't work on Windows 10.  I was basically their tester helping them get it to work with Windows 10.  I am in IT and my son is a programmer and I tried to resolve it myself, but in the end, Dirac fixed it for me.  They have since updated it the next version.  They were very responsive and great to work with.

It's funny how we have different preferences for speakers.  I did not like the Revels at all.  I never could get them set up correctly.  The bass boomed.  I think it was because of our room, and how the furniture is set up.  I think the speakers were too boxed in.  I put them in the garage with my old amp (NAD 2200) and they sound great out in the open.  I planned on selling them, but one of them fell off the freezer and broke the corner.  I duct taped it back up and will leave them in the garage now.  They can take a beating and keep on ticking.  It fell 6'
The surround sound sounds great, even with different speakers.  I think Dirac is responsible for that.  I just want a couple of really good speakers for the front/stereo.  Somehow the amp dedicates the amps to the front speakers when it is zoned correctly.  I think that's the term.  Turning on speaker B automatically puts it in stereo mode.