I need help choosing my next tube preamp.

Although I really enjoyed usnig my ARC LS-15 preamp since I bought it brand new several years ago, I'm looking to upgrade it.

I'd like to stay with tube preamps only.

I like experimenting with different tubes, so the new preamp should probably not be based on the new 6H30 supertube.

Qualities I'm looking for in my next preamp - it should have a pretty laid back(more so than the LS-15) but dynamic character, with plenty of detail, but not be hyper detailed, should have good definition in the bass region(deep, tight bass, not bloaty), full sounding mids and produce a wide and deep soundstage.
Also, it should have a high resolution volume control with plenty of steps to provide ability to fine tune volume for late night low-level listening.

Primary source in my system is digital. No analog as of yet.

The candidate preamps are:
ARC LS-25 MkI,
BAT VK-31,
Sonic Frontiers Line-3
Aesthetix Calypso

I'm pretty much open to other tube preamp suggestions, as long as it is from a well known manufacturer and is not known to have reliability issues.

I listen to different types of music. Classical, traditional and modern jazz, blues and rock.

Really looking for your expert opinion. And if someone who has any experience with the mentioned preamps can share their thoughts, it would be great!

Thanks a lot!!!!

Showing 15 responses by audphile1

Pubul57, I'm using McCormack DNA-225 Gold Revision. You can actually view my components if you're interested by clicking on the System link.
Tboooe, no I haven't considered this preamp.
What you plan on doing, though, is going to be an interesting comparison.
I've been offered to demo a Calypso and VK-31 in my own system. I may take advantage of it and check these units out first hand.

Jafox, little roll-off at the extreme highs would most likely not hurt me too much with the B&W N803 speakers that I'm using as they sometomes have high frequencies to spare. I'm willing to experiment. But my goal is to get a smooth preamp not lacking in punch and dynamics. If this is possible.

I've heard lots of good things about ARC LS-5 but I don't think it will work good in my system due to very high output gain of this preamp and input sensitivity of the DNA-225 amp. I've modded my LS-15 with Dynamicaps. Dynamicaps are a nice improvement over the original caps, but still, I'd like something a bit more relaxed sounding.

What about SF Line-3SE? So far it hasn't been mentioned. I've never listened to it, but am very familiar with Line-1SE. How could the Line-3 be characterized vs Line-1? I kind of like the sound of line-1 but I think it lacks a bit in dynamic drive.
I'll add to the list of desired features the XLR inputs and outputs and a remote control. Sorry...missed it in the beginning.
Thanks Boa2.

But please keep the suggestions flowing. It's been years since I shopped for a preamp and I'm really unfamiliar with the sound of the latest models. I'm also planning on visiting few NYC hi-end audio stores, just to take a quick listen to few preamps. This won't be as good of an evaluation as I would be able to do in my own system, but at least I may get an idea.
Jafox...that Callisto preamp looks insane!!!! And I'm sure it is great, but it's out and beyond my price range at $8999.
I checked out VAC website. Looks pretty interesting. Phi is going to be off my radar screen due to price. Fplanner2000, when you had Standard preamp, were you using XLR from the preamp to amp or SE? What was your set up from source to pre? Was it SE or XLR? thanks
Steveaudio, I use XLR from my cd player ARC CD3MkII into my preamp. I've noticed, and heard from others, that the CD3MkII sounds considerably better through balanced outs. And I prooved it true in my system. It is hard to say though what sounded better either the player or a preamp likes balanced input, I'm not 100% certain. But still want XLRs in any case.

Dodgealum, I appreciate the mod reccomendation, but I would like to upgrade to a different preamp instead. Mods improve things, but the core sonic signature seems to always stay the same. That's been my experience. In any case, I guess I just want a little bit more of the tube bloom than LS-15 is capable of producing. Little more involvement in the music and more liquidity in the overall presentation. Even if I fully modd LS-15 and end up still not where I want it sonically, I'll loose more money when I'll be selling it, because the mods don't add much to the prices of used gear. I've read somewhere on these threads that someone purchased a used GNSC fully modded LS-25 that sold for only about $400 more than the stock LS-25 usually goes for.

Right now, based on the recommendations here, I added VAC to my short list of preamps. I'll give the VAC guys a call tomorrow to see if there are any dealers in NYC or Jersey. I would like to listen to it.
Fplanner2000, thanks a lot for the info. VD cables are very good. I had their Master digital interconnect when I had a dac.
My interconnects are AZ Silver RefII from cd to pre and Matrix RefII from pre to amp.
I'll be definitely calling VAC today. I wanted to find out who the VAC dealers are in NYC and is the optional XLR input on the Standard LE preamp truely balanced.
I'll try to find a dealer who would cary several brands of tube preamps so I can compare and possibly bring mine to compare as well, if they won't be willing to provide a unit for home auditioning.
How did you find the volume control on the VAC? Is it a smooth rotation type or it has steps?
I talked to Kevin at VAC today and found a dealer in NJ not too far from where I work. I made an appointment there for next week to give Standard MkII a listen.

Also, despite the absence of XLR inputs and outputs, I still decided to give CJ a chance. I found a store near by that has CJ CT6 hooked up to DNA-225. Based on how many people mentioned CJ on this thread, it made me curious to see how the CT6 matches with the DNA-225, so I'm going to listen to this combo. The CJ preamps 17LS or 16LS, are these the older models? Which units in current production now replaced the 17 and 16? thanks
Thanks MrT, thanks Cedar.

Jaybo, could you please describe sound of Line-3 in few words? Things like presentation(forward, middle of the hall, laid back?), resolution, bass, mids, you know, all the good stuff. thanks!
Latest update.....
I've heard the CJ CT6 preamp with sony ES sacd player and I did like the sound. However, I also noticed this clicking when changing volume. I guess it's the relays that CJ uses. Nothing you can do. I also verified that my cd player does sound better through XLR outputs than it does through the SE ones, so CJ was out of the question unless I change my cd player and this is not what I want to do.

I just had a chance to go and hear ARC LS-25MkI. Really liked it. Found it to have very smooth sound and it is very dynamic. Anyway, I bought it. It blends very nicely into my system. Synergy between the ARC CD3MkII, LS-25 and the McCormack Gold revision DNA-225 is incredible.
Thanks all very much for your recommendations, but I guess I liked and bought a unit that wasn't mentioned here on this thread, but was one of the candidate preamps. I guess I'm an ARC fan. I like the way ARC presents music and the LS-25 is one fine sounding pre.
Thanks again!!!!

Later on I plan on experimenting with some NOS tubes. It has the stock Sovteks in it now and surprisingly, I like the sound.
thanks. At this point I am pretty satisfied with my ARC LS-25 preamplifier. So far I think the preamp search had ended. Thanks again for your recommendations.