I need cables for my 2 channel system

Hi all,

I find the cable discussion very confusing, and it's pretty tough to separate the snake oil from the substance. Here is my current system:

  • MacBook Pro (late 2016 - USB-C) --- <Generic Cheap USB Cable>
  • Mytek Brooklyn DAC+ --- <Monoprice Premium XLR> 
  • Rotel RC-1590 Preamp --- <Monoprice Premium XLR> (Runs to Headphone setup on Out2)
  • Rotel RB-1582mk --- <Monoprice Access Series 14 Gauge AWG CL2 Rated 2 Speaker Cable> 
  • B&W 805 D3
  • Considering getting an SBooster power upgrade for Mytek, but they aren't currently available (open to other options)
  • 805s will be replaced with 802 D3 at some point this year
  • Considering a different amp, if the Rotel doesn't pair well with the 802D3
  • I only listen to digital streaming music with this setup - usually Tidal
  • Occasionally use a Yamaha WXC-50 to AirPlay to the Mytek

Happy to hear any advice about the system, but in particular cabling. I am not looking to break the bank, but if there is substantial improvement to be had for a few hundred dollars, I'd love to hear suggestions. I am not, however, looking super expensive cables and cords. As for sound, I do love the sound of the 805 (and 802 when I've heard it), so I'm not looking to make some radical change to the sound signature. Just more of the awesome I already hear. Thanks!
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Showing 5 responses by david_ten

Give The Cable Company a call and discuss. Then move forward with at least two separate looms to cover your system (power and signal) so you can compare, within your own system.

The Cable Company will ask for a small deposit and shipping cost. You can apply the deposit to whatever you decide to purchase. 

Since you mention that you don't have local dealers, this is an easy and beneficial way to accomplish your goals.
@mayoradamwest My recommendation was specific to CALLING the Cable Co.

has given you the reason why.

They will not pressure you and you will learn through the conversation(s), even if you don’t go that route.

I agree with what he and @soix and others are saying in the details within their posts.

However, since you are ’new’ to cables and starting out The Cable Co makes the most sense. They have one of the widest selections available (though they don’t represent everything, and some brands they carry do not allow for representation in their Lending Library) and they make it easy to compare and contrast.

Will you spend more this way? Initially, YES but likely not once you factor in what I state below.

It is going to take time and energy and frustration and money (over time) to get it right. Synergy within and between components and system capability also factor in. Buying and returning has an upfront financial cost and hidden costs tied to time. We audiophiles are most expert at denying and ignoring the drips from the faucet. The drops add up fast.

I believe, in your case, it is far smarter to start with a ’decent’ baseline for yourself (within your current budget). AND THEN start with the trials (and tribulations) and experimenting.

All the best, whichever path you choose.
Ask Blondie. She was born before you. : )

I’m a millennial. What’s it mean to “call” something?

The point being made by many is that only you (repeat: only you) and your system can drive this.

[I] would love to hear more about cables. I’d love to hear options here from others, and also even specific ones that might be available on Audiogon.

I could throw out any number of recommendations...but I’m not. There are very good reasons for not doing so.
Alfred of High End Electronics is superb. I've purchased product from him and will likely do so again in the future. My full signal cable loom is all SR, a line he represents. This post is in no way meant to detract from him, his business, and his product line.

He carries 3 lines of cables. Let me repeat that: 3 as in THREE!

His least expensive IC comes in at $699. 

Johnny B Serious! Yup, "can't beat that."