I need a Tonearm opinion... Please

I guess I'm hoping some of you were audio fanatics from the late 70's to help with this question...

Years ago I sold a Syrinx PU-2 Tonearm to a friend on the East Coast.
In my opinion - at the time - it was one of the best tonearms available.

Right now I have a Rega 900 and I want to upgrade.

It's not easy to compare tonearms because so much affects things.
I have a Benz Moving Coil now and I will either get a new Benz or a Koetsu.

What is the general opinion of this group on the
Syrinx PU-2?
Compared to a Rega 900.....??
Compared to a PU-3...??? (He has one of those also)
Compared to something more modern like a Vector???

I don't think modern has much to do with it. Tonearm materials now are no different than what was available in the late 70's.

Both his Syrinx arms are in perfect condition and can be shipped in their original boxes.


SdCampbell is spot on IMO. You would have to move up the food chain conciderably to best your 900.

Even though materials may be the same, the improvements in casting alloys and use of resonance materials has improved greatly. Carbon Fiber was not avail readily to end users as it so widly used today, and certaily not an inexpensive material that we could have spent on tonearms back then.

I dont know what table you use, so its hard to make a proper recommendation as to something better. I think anything from the JMW 12.5 to Graham 2.2 or Schroder Model 2 or DPS arm's would do nicely. Dont sell the 900 short though..it is quite an arm in itself.
My friend had it,and sold it to another pal.IMO-it was sloppily made.It never cued in an accurate fashion,and descended like a ROCK.With the cost of today's cartridges,if you have the money,get something else.
Maybe I'm a little tough on my RB-900.
It's hard to say what part of the turntable system is the weak link.
I'm currently using a Basis 1400 and Benz LO4.
The TT is sitting on a "concrete block with 3 bolts as adjustable feet" on a thin carpet covering a concrete slab.
I have a 1/4" lexan acoustically decoupled dust cover.

I was seriously considering getting a Koetsu Rosewood but I may change turntables also.

I was hung up on the Syrinx because - in a past system I had a Linn, PU-2 and FR1 Mk3.
That was easily the best TT setup I ever had.
Back then I was using a ML-1, Bryston 2B (Significantly modified) and QUAD 57's.
I'm still using QUAD 57's, but now have a Levinson#23 and Audible Illusions M3A.

Something is preventing me from having the midrange detail I need for "my fix"

Steve I think you should try the Koetsu.

I currently run both a Koetsu Rosewood/Morch and Benz Ref II/Morch on my table, and the Koetsu is pure magic. So much so that my Benz Ref II is up for sale ...
Thanks Pauly:

I was hoping to hear something like that from a Benz / Koetsu owner.
What is a Rosewood/Morch?
I heard of a Rosewood and Rosewood Signature.

Is it worth going for the signature? I think it's an extra $1K
That $1K is half the cost of a TO4 Turbo with ceramic bearings!! (My other addiction)
