I miss my Loudness Button and Tone Controls....

So I recently upgraded my system to a Rogue Audio Sphinx integrated amplifier, V2.

Prior to this purchase I was using a NAD C162 preamp, and an Emotive UA-200 amplifier.

After a month of listening, I have to say, I miss the tone controls and the loudness feature on the old NAD pre-amp, especially when listening at lower volumes. The Rogue amp sounds great when played at a minimum of 50% of its output, but at lower volumes, it just seems flat. I do use a sub (SVS SB-2000 pro, and I'm using a very efficient speaker (Zu Audio DW's).

I've toyed with the idea of buying an EQ of some sort that has a bypass so that I can boost some of the frequencies when listening at lower volumes, and then bypass when I listening at higher volumes.

Any thoughts on this? Anyone experience anything similar? I'm about to pack and sell the Rogue amp, as the cons outweigh the pros for me.




Showing 2 responses by ps

OP: Just go for it.  It's your room, your ears, and what you prefer your music to sound like.  I bet even the basic Loki would do you just fine. Good luck, and the heck with self-styled "purists."  There is are endless variables on the user end.  The intentions of the recording artists and the recording engineers, etc,  are known only to them.  So the only thing that really matters to the listener or end-user, is "does it sound good or not?"

I subscribe to the old "if it sounds good it is good" approach. Otherwise, what's the point of pursuing this often wild and crazy hobby?  :)

Oh, one other suggestion, although it's more costly than the Loki, is the DSPeaker Anti-Mode 2.0. Dual Core, with a host of features, including room correction.