I made a rookie mistake, don't do this

Periodically I look at each stylus under a microscope to see that they are not worn out, that all is well etc.  Anyway this past week I noticed that one of mine, a shibata looked worn and needed replacement soon.  It is unusual in that it is on a mono cartridge, which might be why I didn't notice it sooner.  Also, in my defense it is used on mostly old jazz records, many of them are not spring chickens either, so maybe that is an excuse.  In any event, a new stylus was installed ASAP and there was an instantaneous improvement in sound quality.  There is no telling what irreparable harm has been caused to my cherished old records.  Learn from my stupid mistake.  Go check your stylus ASAP.  Especially with fine line and shibata it is too easy miss the signs.


Showing 2 responses by dwette


A dust cover might be adequate (or not) keeping dust off the platter and plinth. It serves little useful purpose otherwise. It does nothing to help the life of a cartridge. The latter part falls under keeping your records and stylus clean.

I have a Clearaudio Innovation with two 12" Universal tonearms. There's not even a reasonable possibility of enclosing that in a dustcover. I use a goat hair cosmetic brush to dust off the POM platter, plinth and tonearms now and then, but that's all more for cosmetic satisfaction than functional worth. I clean my records and I clean my stylii with the proper tools.

I don’t get the obsession with a dustcover. It’s not going to help with dust accumulating on/in the cartridge. That happens while playing records, and brushing the stylus after every side or two can help mitigate that.

I gave up using a dustcover on my last turntable. It was expensive, a PITA to set aside in a practical place, and did little to help mitigate dust on the plinth and arm. Now I just use a large goat hair cosmetic brush to dust my tonearms, platter and plinth from time to time. Otherwise, I keep my records clean and my stylus brushed.

Using a dustcover on my current turntable isn't even possible.