I'm Very SCARED - Please advise, Cartridge Drop

I'm setting up a brand new Benz Ace Medium on a P3. As I was trying to measure Tracking Force on a digital scale I dropped (finger slipped off the "finger handle") the tonearm (stylus) onto the glass platter and the tonearm bounced up and down a couple of times.

Any cause for concern? The cart looks okay but I'm a little worried about "Pre-mature" wear on the cartridge's suspension.

I don't know much about design and was looking for a little re-assurment my new cart will still last its expected lifespan. So can cartridges handle this kind of abuse once in a while?

Thanks guys,
I would be more concerned with a bent or twisted cantilever than i would damage to the suspension. If anything, the stress to the suspension may have "sped up" break-in time. The twisting or bending of the cantilever is another matter unto itself. Sean
Thanks guys, I feel tons better now. You can imagine my paranoia though, brand new, out of the box and I slip like that. More pissed at myself than anything.

The funny thing was that what ever I was doing didn't need to be done. Checking Tracking force for like the 8th time. Jeeesh!

I feel a lot better now but, if the cantiliver suspension "bottomed out" when it hit the platter it wouldn't cause hidden or pre-mature wear on the suspension?

Just to be reassured. I appologize if I'm being repetitive, reduntant, repeating my self over and over and over again :)
You'll be fine. Relax. Get all that butter fingered practice in now, before you upgrade to the Ruby 3.

A minor incident.

Many of us have actually ripped the stylus or the cantilever right off the cartridge, by mistake, and sometimes with cartridges that cost a couple thousand bucks.
That gives you a really sick feeling when it happens. Everyone is human, and mistakes happen, sometimes costly ones. Yours was a very mild one, and I doubt it had any affect on your cartridge at all.