I'm Stuck, MMF9 vs. MMF7 vs. Scout vs. Space deck

I realize yes the Scout and the Space deck will be the better piece's overall. Currently I am in the market for this range of turntable, however the real problems with the Nottingham and Vpi designs are "No" hinged dustcover... This is a must in my home, with animals running around etc... I realize there is a dustcover for these models but simply a pick it up and drop over style, I do not want this, it has to be attachable. Beyond this my only other option is to Wall mount a shelf and use my 3" thick Maple butcher block under the table to hopefully isolate it resonably about 5ft in the air, this is not an easy option at all, and really do not want to do this, and really do not like all the dust that will be continuosly on the table.

--So part 2 of the question, I am considering saveing a lot of hassel and cost, and going with a music hall 7 or 9 that have hinged dust covers.

--Question 2.5 of this is , are the increases the 9 over the 7 worth it? I have been reading many prefer the 7 still, but I also read the Arms are JUNK, on music hall tables.

--Question 3, I will really never go any cartridge higher than a Dynavector 10x, or possibly shelter 501, so are the music hall arms just completly a waste for running these types of cartridges, can they even sound good? Are the music halls arms really that bad in comparison to the Jwm or Spacearm?

I really do want a scout or nottingham, but also do not want the fortune invested not being in an easy position for use and saftey and do not want to put a cardboard box over it everytime its in Use and not in use.

Thanks I really appreciate the effort in helping toward a simple solution here, mainly if any glimer of hope exists for the music hall's then that may be the best end game for me.

Showing 7 responses by matrix

Yeah with the cat She loves to play with things, and I know that the pretty spinning disc will have her right there watching and possibly batting, or putting a paw on the album in an attempt to stop it and stare if you know what I mean. Thanks for the answers I think for the money this is where I will be best off, and I am not super concerned about dust as much as she will jump up and sit on the player at some point... so rather just be safe and at least its a lower investment on top of it. I can not even leave my high end cables exposed, sometimes cats just like to go after what they should not, but thats the thing She leaves Everything else alone?? but She loves to get involved in the vinyl process, especially when I am cleaning on the Vpi, she has to inspect the Sleeves and stuff and sit right on them knowing I am doing something with it at the time, otherwise none of the stuff gets bothered unless I am using it.
Okay, I like to keep things simple so I have just made a deal on a excellent used MMF7 with no Cart. about 440 for the table seems pretty damn good at about 2 years old, So I am going for that, the VPI is nice but again at about 1/3 the cost used for the music hall thats I think serious enough for my vinyl taste, and besides I am not looking to obsolete my Cd because it is very good overall and haveing a lot more invested in something in the range of the space deck or Vpi I would be almost obligated to use it far more than anything else, but I might be about a 50/50 guy so this is enough of depth into the vinyl when I look at priceing on these things. Thanks for the help and it looks that for the true bottom line priceing and performance without spending in the upwards of 2500/table and arm, and 1000 extra on a cartridge this will be the best to suit my needs.
Dan_ed, Nope no dedicated listening space at the moment, but even then sometimes the cat sneaks in rooms I lock her out of anyway, oh well. Anyhow, What tonearm wireing did you use? How long of a process is it? Not looking to get too crazy or tweaky, actually I found a negative effect on my AR turntable just changing out the basic felt mat with a fancy one, the basic felt sounded better, More analog vs. with the other mat it kinda totally went towards sounding CD'ish and just not as Lush... So that pretty much defeats the purpose in my book! I know thats not the case always of course. Do you guys believe this MMF7 will be superior to the AR ES1? I think it will do a few things better, but just curious if its a resonable step up, mainly I read that the Music hall is very good with deep bass responce over a lot of other tables, but that the MMF5 is actually about equal in overall kinda sound quality as the AR series and that is why I did not consider it, as many say the MMF7 is worlds away from the 5 anyway. For the price hopefully it works out and retires the AR easily, but again I will not break the bank so if it does not do a whole lot better I guess the re-sale on either unit is pretty solid.
Okay guys Now I'm stuck again, I got zero instructions on the arm of the MMF 7 and am not sure where to start with the VTA, in terms of even how to move it! do you just losen the tiny allen screw at the base of the arm and pull the shaft up and down or what? I have no clue it looks that it was set just about perfectly level so I do not know that I should mess with it at all to be honest, Please help, it sounds okay right now but not as Warm and powerfull bass as the table it replaces at this point, but it does sound better to some degree, such as Air and intricut details are more apparent, but it is slightly thinner sounding and it has the same cart. mounted as the other table it replaces, its not bad, but need to tweak, I will mess with the tracking weight a little first and see if it gets me closer, but I hate to get into screwing with the VTA but it may have to be, so tell me how exactly the mechanism works on this goofy arm to do it. Thanks
I got the manual from music hall this morning I guess I will go from there thanks anyway.
I have an empire cartridge (NOS) that is now benz micro, so the vta is set level right now, but it is an MM type and sounds VERY, Very good with the tracking weight at the recommended 1.5g, I did not have it set right now I do, but if I do not have to move the VTA then I won't but as stated what would be better, Nose up, Nose down, or level with these type cart's? Problem is obviously its not a current model cart. that anybody would probably have suggestion too, but it is almost too good sounding right now to go screwing it up with changing the VTA.
Cool, hirsh17@comcast.net which cartridge do you prefer on that table out of the ones you listed and why? Yeah I got her sunk in now and without much more that I would say 30 hours of play its sounding pretty effortless and very detailed/dynamic, with some real bass slam now, almost to perfect, very flat, in otherwords not much missing for enjoyment.