I'm in a preamp pickle: ARC Ref 1 VS CJ 17LS

I have my preamp choice nailed down to an Audio Research Reference 1 and a Conrad Johnson Premier 17 LS. I would appreciate some opinions about this choice that may help me decide. Additionally, the Audio Research is about $700 more. Both are used.
My system:
Thiel 3.6
Clearaudio Performance SE with Maestro
Audio Research PH5
Classe CA-2200
Current pre is a Cary slp 308
Thanks in advance

Showing 5 responses by jmcgrogan2

Wow! You could hardly pick two more opposite end of the spectrum candidates to choose from. The yin or the yang, chocolate or vanilla?

ARC is very fast, articulate and transparent, but can sound thin, brittle and hard in the wrong system. CJ is very sweet, warm, and musical, but can sound slow and lifeless with the wrong gear. Looking at your list of equipment, I would go with the CJ, as it may help to tame the Thiel's.

11-27-14: Bill10907
Thanks for your opinions. I think I'll look for a CJ.
Although I have heard that the ARC stuff can be harsh when listening for extended periods, I suppose I was just dreaming that they softened up with a "REFERENCE" preamp.

That's alright Bill, we can all dream. ;^)

11-28-14: Labtec
Most people giving you advice aren't really knowledgeable about what they are saying.

Well I guess we could have asked your question number 1, cable length. However, many of us non-knowledgeable buffoons know how to perform a basic Google search and find out that his amp, the Classe CA-2200, has an input impedance of 100K ohms, which shouldn't be an issue with any preamp, and answer your question number 2.

Actually, the question that probably should have been asked, which is more important than either of your two questions, is: Are you looking for more resolution or more musicality?

IF he really NEEDS to run balanced, which is highly unlikely, I would recommend BAT over ARC, UNLESS, he is looking for detail, detail and more detail.

Some folks do like ultra high resolution. I've seen folks pair Thiels, ARC and Nordost cables. It's enough to make most folks ears bleed, but in the end, you pays your money, you makes your choices.

FWIW, I've owned CJ and ARC preamps, as well as VAC, Cary, BAT and a slew of SS preamps.

Hey Jerry, you knucklehead, what Thiels are you running now? Still prefer the 3.6's, or have you swayed back to the 6's?

I see that your fellow Volunteers, Adam and Dennis, are both Mac crazy guys now too! LOL!
Close, but you got that one letter off.
It's actually once you go VAC you never go back. ;^)
Hey Labrec, you're right, the level of ridiculousness on this forum has to stop!
So why not just stop posting, then us grown ups can talk rationally. Sorry to be harsh. :)