I’m gob smacked. What were you’re aha moments?

Had a productive couple of weeks on the used gear market and today has been digital demo day (Analog arrives next week). Added a Bryston BCD-3 and original Tara Labs Prime I/C’s to my system at very good prices. 

I don’t have “golden ears” by any stretch but I’m gob smacked at the results.

The BCD-3 is replacing an Oppo UDP-205 w/ DHL BL-1 I/C’s. Rest of gear is an Anthem STR integrated and ML Monti’s. My bass has easily doubled, maybe tripled. I can feel the pressurization in my room and it’s tight not bloated. 

I think this has been the biggest jump up in SQ I’ve experienced. What were your biggest surprises/improvements regardless of budget?


Showing 4 responses by boxer12

Hey Elizabeth, Sounds like it is worth trying. Is the magnet side toward or away from the equipment? 
Hey tuberist, Which class d amp were you using. Just wondering, I've never used one except for with my sub, but they seem to be getting a lot of attention lately.
Aloia power amp. This amp with its the separate induction power supply is absolutely wonderful.