I'm curious. What is your "normal" listening volume?

I suppose this is an open question to any of you fine people, but I'm exclusively analog myself and particularly curious to hear from those of you who listen to records.

What would you say is your normal listening volume? Perhaps measure it and post the db's?



Showing 2 responses by mark200mph

Yes 120 db can only stand for less that a minute then damage to the hair cells in the cochlea begins to happen.i do this to hear the base but have ear muffs on .osha states 80 db for 8 hours is the safe limit.i have several kw mono amps and some prominent crown 12000 that push the wattage.enjoy the music and the search.jays audio review of the magico q7 don't wake up until 80 pluss db and they are power hungry.

I do play the soundtrack with the dopler effect of the train comming closer and pitch change and leaving with pitch change.the advantage is I can play it when I want and the train doesn't wake me up at night.normal listening 50 to 80 db.i did go see the who in the 70's it was loud. I guess that's why we have a volumn know we can listen at the level we're in the mood for.enjoy the music and the search.