I’m considering upgrading my speakers internal wiring

I’m looking for objective input because I’m not sure if I’m really OCD. 
I have a beautiful pair for PBN M1!5 in a Black finish which I love and sound incredible.  Peter builds high quality equipment with nothing spared. I think we spend thousands on speaker cables and transport and everything that gets to the binding posts….. And then ? Internally it’s not so great. 
I’m considering re-wiring including binding posts to all Cardas ..

What are some thoughts.  


Showing 2 responses by grannyring

I took the time to look at your speaker’s crossover online and the builder makes both access and visibility of parts very easy! He did a very nice job on the design and cabinet. The parts quality changed over time with this speaker as can be seen in photos. Some images show only sand cast resistors used throughout while other images show sand cast resistors only on the low pass portion of the crossover. Some pics show the use of Clarity PX caps and other pics show the better CSA. Not sure what set you have. The Clarity CSA caps are certainly good and better than what I see in most $15,000-$20,000 speakers I have opened up. This gives us some insight into the quality level of the parts he used. Peter used air core inductors throughout including woofers. This is an indication he is both aware and takes into account parts quality. However, all the cast resistors and Dayton caps on the low pass are a place he definitely saved money. Overall crossover parts quality is a mix of good and mediocre to be honest.  Peter obviously saved money on the low pass portion except for the inductor. 

I would certainly email him your serial number and ask him about the internal wire. Ask him about gauge especially on the woofers. Gauge is important on the woofers. I bet he shares the information with you as he does not seem concerned with hiding parts based on the design. I bet he simply used Mil Spec silver over copper wire based on what we see for parts quality. If he did, then know this kind of wire does have a sound personality. It can be described as pushing forward the upper mids and highs. All bulk hook up wire has a sound personality based on the design and materials used. You need to know what “change/improvement” you desire in the sound of your speaker. Looking for more warmth and body? Smoother highs? More fleshed out mids? More resolution? What are you desiring more and less of? Without knowing this you are lost and the end result may prove to be negative.

Lastly, are you experienced with this sort of soldering and DIY work? You could easily damage drivers without proper soldering tools and technique. Are you confident you can reassemble without damage or mistakes which could prove costly and a great big hassle. Getting inside and doing this kind of work is not for the faint of heart or unexperienced. It is a lot of work with attention to the details vital. Yes, internal wire quality does matter and can definitely impact the sound! The bigger questions are: What’s already in there? What is your end goal? Are you skilled at this?


If one has direct experience using all manner of crossover part brands and quality tiers as well as hook up wire, then they will know what each change will bring sonically.

OP feel free to reach out to me regarding bulk hook up wire and your options. I have used many options over the years and carefully listened through the break in process. Internal wire choice will change the sound and you just need to know the result you’re looking for. Please first know what is in there now. I suspect Mil Spec silver over copper in Teflon. You must know this first.