I'm considering replacing my passive preamp with a tubes. Is it worth it?

I would like to know if it would be worth it to trade my passive preamp for tube.  Would the change make a significant improvement?  

My setup:

Magnepan MG .7
Mod Squad Line Drive passive preamp
Bryston 4b-st amp
Rythmik f12 sub
Bluesound Node
Tidal streaming

My budget on a preamp would be $1k.  If the answer is "yes" then opinions would be welcomed.



Showing 2 responses by milpai

Congratulations on your new acquisition. Enjoy it.

Out of curiosity - what was your passive preamp?
Alternatively you could have purchased a Bluetooth DAC which has a healthy 2V out and kept your passive, if you like it's sound. You still should get a Bluetooth DAC, rather than connecting the iphone directly to the preamp.

The Music First is a TVC and is not really a passive.
Can you please let me know what you "lost" in sound, when you introduced the Music First in your system, compared to the VAC Phi Beta? How would you compare the Music First Vs Bent Audio AVC?