I'm confused - Different music...different speakers?

Thanks for allowing me this exploration. I've been on Audiogon before and find myself here for a very different reason this time.
I do believe my system is well resolving and will define gear at the end
Yet I keep getting steered to music genre based on sound.
What I mean by this is simple.
I can't seem to listen to old rock n roll favorites anymore.
There are albums I know from the past inside out and upside down - one example: The Allman Brother's at Fillmore East. I can mostly play every bit of this on guitar. I own three good copies on vinyl and can stream it at hi-res on Qobuz.
There are two drummers and Berry Oakley on bass- no slouch. Duane on slide...etc. An Epic and dynamic album
I can't listen to it - the metal tweeters are just aggravating. And what I remember from the bass and percussion is slam from the very opening to the end - it's not here.
What is going on here?
Gear is as follows:
Analogue side is a Nottingham Space 294, 12" Ace arm, Lyra Delos Cart and an EAR 834 MM/MC phono stage
Digital is an Antelope Zodiac plus with Voltikus power supply
All good and better cables
Totem Hawk floor standers
Amp is a Rogue Cronus w/ KT120 output tubes
Play Bill Evans or Bach ....and I can watch the paint melt off the walls and love every second of it......
I'm at a loss and thanks


Showing 7 responses by smaarch1

Thanks every one. A lot here to think about. I should say I listen to a lot less rock - preference is really jazz and classical. I'm also not looking for outright volume.

I did roll out the 12Au7 preamp tube several times over the last year. Starting with the original JJ (very decent) to a reissued mullard that was frankly not listenable, to a tungsol (which I like) to a NOS raytheon (a definite improvement). - I'll research this a bit more as my choices were simply stabs in the dark

In general, I like the Totem's. They do a lot right for my level of listening - which is in a condo with limited opportunity for LOUD.
That said - maybe a sub is the way to go?- Something I had been trying to avoid.
I also should take some time to audition other speakers as my knowledge is limited.
Thanks Everyone

So it appears I'm looking at subwoofers. A friend has a REL to loan me and I'll give it a try.
I should qualify my complaint about the Totems. They have been very enjoyable for the last year I have owned them. 
My system has undergone a  lot of changes in this year and I'm tempted to pull the little B&W's out of the closet and have another listen
It seems the more I listen...the more I hear.

@ghdprentice looking forward to experimenting with the REL
@georgeab this is also my memory - epic recording and alas....my system doesn't do it justice
@asiaaudiosoc interesting and I suppose that is my first post and my "confusion"
Maybe it's super simple in this way: If I want to here a piano in a cafe - that is the volume I should be listening at, no more and no less.
If I want to listen to a band in Madison Square Garden, I think it is clear the db's need to go up. And the reverse is true
I remember seeing Joni Mitchell as the kick off for a Bob Dylan concert in MSG back in the 1990's...it was rather sad. As great as she is, her solo voice just wasn't enough to fill and vibrate the space...it all felt lost.
Maybe I'll buy a pair of headphones for the Rock n roll stuff......
Thanks again Everyone

Oh I've been playing with speaker positioning alright. I just last night moved them closer to the front wall (2 feet instead of 3 feet). The bass response is improved. My listening space (my Living Room) looks across the Hudson River and the Palisades...so yes we are unapologetically making compromises regarding room treatment.

Thanks @hleeid. To answer your question the space is 14' wide by 28' long, roughly half living room and half dining room the Totem's fire down the long axis....after rearranging everything. It was not this way before and this is a big improvement. Ceilings are a standard American 8' NY condo ceiling height. Construction is a plus - floor  and ceiling slabs are concrete, as are demising walls. Floor is a floating hardwood floor over concrete. Ceiling is concrete (stippled). Speaker positioning....jury is still out but I've played with the position a lot. I had settled on the method describe by the Sumoku guide and was very pleased. Placing them closer to the front wall has added some bass but I've had them here before and I'm not sure I like the overall presentation. And here is way I think this.... The front wall is glass.....I know and am venturing a guess this has a lot to do with what I'm hearing.
so I think in many ways you and @kingdeezie  get to the heart of the matter no matter what speakers end up here. Budget? I'd like to retire one of these days and stop investing in stereo gear. LOL

@decooney Thanks and yes toe in is not necessary on the Hawks. I think I have them in an optimal position, although I keep moving them closer and further to the back wall - too close and the bass gets "bloomy". What surprises me about these speakers are their wide dispersion. The B&W's they replaced did some great things but not dispersion - If you moved your head 1 inch, everything was lost.
@ronrags this is very interesting - talk to me some more about this please. Different bias setting is noted - thanks. Any reason the KT77's and not the KT88's? This should like it has great possibilities. What speakers are you running please? Thanks ronrags.
@serjio your comment is noted and ignored. Best regards in any event.
Thanks again everyone

You folks are awesome - thanks for all the responses.
Yes a sub is being considered. Which I am unsure but REL looks promising
Yes Totems are sitting with the factory feet, or claws as they call them
And yes I’m asking for a lot from a 5.5" woofer - that makes sense
No I haven’t mass loaded them - maybe something to consider
I also listened to the Fillmore East album again - interesting in that there is an unevenness of the recording from track to track, with some tracks sounding much better then others.
I do think switching to the 4 ohm taps will help - maybe this weekend
I’m really not much of rocker anymore and for most of my listening I very much enjoy this system. I’d be fine if I did nothing...but we all know how this hobby works........
Room treatment - this is the elephant in the room so to speak - My coffee table consists of two flat files for drawings. There are 30 plus years of paper - literally weighing a ton. If that isn’t a bass sink I don’t know what is. So my next effort will be to find another spot for them. This is really a big deal. Stupid me....
Thanks again everyone for some great insight. A pleasure to be here.