I love sad music

I'm talking about music that when you're feeling down will make you feel worse. I don't want uplifting or inspirational. Some of Chopin's more melancholic works can do it for me.  I don't listen to country, but George Jones singing "It's a good day for the roses" is about as sad a song as you will find. Leonard Cohen's "Alexandra leaving" is another sad song. I have everything Davis and Coltrane recorded, so I'm looking for recommendations for the most beautiful but depressing music you've ever heard. I want to hear a violin, my favorite instrument, that will bring tears to your eyes. I know this is a strange request but some of the best music comes from dark places. Thanks

Showing 2 responses by bdp24

Has anyone mentioned "Strange Fruit", made famous by Billie Holiday?

I love melancholy music (isn’t melancholia the natural human condition? It’s been mine since watching in horror as my mother slowly, painfully succumbed to brain cancer when I was 14-15), such as "’Til I Die" by Brain Wilson, found on The Beach Boys Surf’s Up album. Quite far removed from his "Fun, Fun, Fun" ;-) . But then those lyrics were written by Mr. Fun himself, Mike Love.

A lot of great nominations already. I’ll add:

"No Time To Cry" by Iris Dement. Merle Haggard also recorded the song (written by Iris), but his version doesn’t hit me as hard.