I'll play it & tell you what it is later

Birth of the Cool with the six RVG 24-bit remasters sounds pretty good to old me. Can someone comment on the audio quality of RVG 24-bit remasters to include Bag's Groove, Steamin', Walkin', and Workin'? I believe RVG has, and/or is remastering into 24-bit for the Concord Group. Of course I usually prefer SACD versions, but the prices of many SACD Jazz discs has gotten pricey. Anyone seen what Duke's "Blues in Orbit" on SACD is selling for?
Well, its possible that RVG re-mastered the tapes at some point, but he did not record them. They were produced by Walter Rivers at Capital. From what I've read it was the only thing he produced at the label, so he really lucked out.

I readily confess to a love/hate relationship with RVG. Some records, like Blue Train sound SO good, and others like Maiden Voyage sound so bad... I just want to strangle the guy for his inconsitency, as well as his singular ability to make a piano sound like it was being played under water.

"Are you sure you're looking at an RVG mixed Birth of the Cool?"

I see you have more than a few posts on RVG, thus I ascertain you have an interest in the subject.

I read this on my Birth of the Cool (Capital Jazz Records RVG Edition) liner notes:

"..The original tapes of each tune were filed individually and sound considerably better. Rudy Van Gelder returned to these masters, transferred them in 24-bit to digital and worked his sonic magic." Michael Cuscina, 2000.

Note: Tracks 1,3,4,8,9 & 11 are 24-bit - not the others.

Am I one-hundred percent sure of anything? Well you know the line about death and taxes..
Are you sure you're looking at an RVG mixed Birth of the Cool? That album was recorded in - what 1949, on Capital. The RVG albums you're listing are Prestige dates from about 1955 on. I'm pretty sure RVG was still in high school when BOTC was recorded.

The RVG re-masters are alright. They're hit and miss though. In general its stuff you listen to for the music - which is spectacular - but not for the hi-fi quality.