I like my system flat, no tone controls, no eq..........what is your preference, and why.

A poster on another thread here has encouraged me to post this. Been an audio professional and a hobbyist for 50 tears. I had my time with eq, tone controls ( even reverb and time delay units ). I am currently at the point where I need nothing to alter the recordings I listen to, nor to compensate for room aberrations. I have spent lots of money on equipment , had equipment on loan, of all types ( pretty much a bit of everything, for the most part ) and I have tweaked, and tweaked, and tweaked. I have recently tooled down to a much simpler and less expensive system, and I find I am the happiest I have ever been. Might be my amp, my passive unit, my speakers...…….yes, all of that. Yes, all of that is important, but it is the system synergy that has made me realize that changing anything with an eq or tone controls took me further from that synergy, that balance. I accept, and enjoy my recordings for what they are. Some better than others ( sq ). But, I am enjoying the brilliance of all the studio work put into them,  exactly as they were intended to be listened to. This is me. I do not believe in right or wrong, better or worse, newer vs older, yada yada yada. I have believed, and have stated, particularly in this hobby, to each his own. I hear fuse differences, power cable differences, etc. Some believe I was born a bat. I am happy of my gift, not just hearing well, but through the years, teaching myself " what it is I like ", which is the key for most of us. I am not sure where this thread will go, but I put it out there, and hope folks will drop in, even though much of it might have been stated before in other threads. Thank you A'gon family, be well, and Enjoy ! MrD.

Showing 14 responses by mrdecibel

Why are a few of you suggesting that I am stating tone controls or equalization is stupid ? I am just saying " for me ", at this time, not needed, not wanted, not necessary. But great we are all here. Thanks......Enjoy ! MrD. 
Thank you all for the feedback. Douglas Schroeder. Yes, I agree, as shown in some many products. Are you familiar, from the past, with an a/v store on 45th street, East side of Manhattan, called Grand Central Radio ?                                                                                      Maplegrovemusic. Unless folks are using a sound pressure level meter, and was using test tone sweeps, what would be the basis of flat ? They are adjusting to what their ears like.                                    Nonoise…...Yes, I believe we are quite similar in our " moment " of no need for more. I have adopted and accepted the fact of recording limitations. However, it is the most truthful and honest way of hearing what the musicians were doing, and all of the studio people, at that time.                                                                                                       Wolfie boy..Glad we are not talking about fuses here, lol. I easily understand the desire and use for eq in the " live " environment, as well as the home environment. I understand to many, tone and eq conrol in the home environment is necessary Why I posted this.          N80, you have become a real face around hear, in such a short amount of time. Your threads are always interesting, as well as your responses to many. I appreciate that. I appreciate everyone here, as I feel I know all of you, as the regularity of the reads just does that. N80, you no longer need to state your inherited system, as we all know by now. In fact I know what each of you have in your systems, and basically a lot about you all as listeners. Just be reading all of you. n80, as far as some of your recording not sounding ok to you ( one of my worst, but one of my faves, is Tull's Aqualung ). I have accepted the sq's that are missing, but, easily listen and follow the musicians. I am never listening for compression, imaging, and of the audio stuff. I am listening to the music. My system shows the weaknesses, but it does allow me to listen, without needing for me to put on muffs. How many listen to headphones, and still use eq, or tone control ? I would like to recommend a recording to all of you, as it does show, very simply, if your system is tuned, and balanced. Musically, it is excellent as well. Last thing. This poster on this other thead ( viber6 ) over on WC's amp thread, was talking about his Rane ME 60 two channel, 30 band 1/3 octave eq, and how it is the most significant piece in his entire system. He is not just using it as an eq, but as his line level preamp ( it had replaced a Spectral preamp. I communicated with him on WC's thread ( all interesting and entertaining reading, with a bunch of good guys on there ). Long story short, I promise. I pulled out from a closet of mine my very own Rane ME 60 ( production run # 2, refer to Ken Rothwell on the Rane ME60 ). Played with it for a few days, did my chassis resonance mods to it, played it again, and wow. Nice. Result, I did not need to eq anything. I left if flat. I took it out of the system, as it was not as clean as my Luninous unit. viber is, and has been, recommending to WC to acquire one, to be used to correct, things for his new 80K Martin Logan Neos system.  Thank you all for joining in. Enjoy ! MrD.
@douglas_schroeder I knew someone with your same name, when I managed that store, that came in often and he became an audio reviewer. I believe he worked for Sony in the R & D division. He told me I was wasting my time, and I needed to go out and become an independent consultant, which I did. Enjoy ! MrD.
Thank you to the others who have posted. I know all of you as well, and appreciate all of your findings and experiences. Enjoy ! MrD.
@heardthat, I am really not preaching eq or tone shaping is bad, and if it appears that way, I apologize. I am making a point that for me, it does nothing. At this time anyway. I wanted some feedback from others, as I thought it would be an interesting topic. I am happy for you with your 5 band eq.                                                                        @douglas_schroeder In my second post on this thread, I asked you a question about a location. Do you have an answer ? If the answer is yes, you might know why I ask. If the answer is no, I will explain. Enjoy ! MrD.
Like I said, to each his own, no right or wrong. My powered subs do have eq controls, so I suppose I am not eq free. I have been reading about the Loki, and it does remind me of the 5 tone controls on the Mac preamps, of which I have owned several over the years. I do not understand the 20 hz control, and it's use ( rumble filter ?, maybe wolf can jump in and give his findings ). I honestly can easily see why someone would use it, and enjoy it's characteristics. I, personally would find a greater amount of control from a unit such as the Rane ( which sonically, is excellent ). " Interpolating Constant Q filters ", of which the Rane unit has, and Rane was the company to design this, is very specific, as each control ( 30 per channel ) has less overlap of the adjacent frequencies, and this I find to be awesome. Possibly not for everyone, although more of these types of eqs today use this topology. I still choose not to use mine. My thing is, and always has been, whatever we need to do to extract every bit of information out of our systems to achieve our goals, is what this hobby is all about. Cables, fuses, room tuning, chassis and component damping, tubes, capacitors, each and everything makes an audible impact. I love music. Thank you to everyone for your participation. and sharing your experiences and preferences. Nice to see a clean slate ( no bickering ). Enjoy ! MrD.
Listen folks, I should have started this thread as :  I like my system " set to flat ", as opposed to flat, which many thought acoustically flat, as Doug Shneider, in his original response, caught on to. Keep in mind, this as an important a topic as any, since the strides in digital has allowed equalization and tone shaping to be something huge, as I believe it once was. As each of us progress on to a new piece of equipment, it brings us closer, generally, to hearing more information from our systems. Better acoustical room set up. How many different ways to set up speakers, from all kinds of " professional " people ? When I walk into a room, I have a pretty good idea what the room needs, acoustically, and the approximate speaker location once the listening chair location has been determined. You, your equipment, your room, your music, and ultimately, siting, relaxing, or headbanging, to an experience that was all worth it. Whatever the means to get there. Enjoy ! MrD.
Yes    Yes    Yes    I have the 2 of you confused. Thank you, Enjoy ! MrD.
Ron17, I was prompted to start this thread because of the viper experience on WC’s amplifier / speaker thread, as you know quite well. As I have said so many times, and yes it has become repetitive by me : anything we audio folks need to do ( whether it be eq, cables, fuses, whatever ), to get us ever closer to that musical nirvana we are all chasing, so be it. I would not consider myself lucky, per say. My room is nothing special, but my speakers and my listening chair are all away from walls, and I played and played and played, tweaked and tweaked and tweaked, until I was happy. My biggest challenge was finding, and blending, a pair of subwoofers with my Lascalas, which I accomplished years ago. I am with you, as eqing for each recording would drive me nuts. I accept each and every recording, as they are, as I enjoy all of them. The greatest upgrade I made was to go passive, using a Luminous unit, the best they have ( rca ), as they also do xlr. It works for me. I am really enjoying the feedback on this thread, and find we are all a bunch of passionate music listeners, not satisfied with the sound coming from a Bluetooth speaker. There are many roads to take, as no two of us are the same. Enjoy ! MrD.
Why are some people so defensive about using eq or tone controls ? If your ears require it, whether it be for room acoustics or recording enhancement, so be it. No judgement here, at least that was my purpose of starting this thread. It is ALL good. Really !,,,,,,,,,,,Enjoy ! MrD.
prof, yes, I should have worded it differently ( which I corrected later in the thread, as pointed out by Doug S. ). Although I have measured my room with a RS meter / test tone discs, I cannot claim my room is ruler flat, but it is excellent, specifically at my normal listening levels, which admittedly is higher than most. A big part of this is not having walls near my speakers and my listening chair. Just careful tweaking, and a bit of luck. I used eq and tone controls a long time ago ( in different homes ), but as I became more affluent and experienced in room set up, and most important, the realization of what I like, it is all good. It is a dedicated room, and my live in gf has no problem. I am in this home going on 5 years. The ex wife had a problem in a previous home, which had a living room as my sound room. She lives in that house now, with no interest in high fidelity. Thank you for your response. And again, in no way have I suggested tone controls or equalization are bad. That was never the point. Always, and Enjoy ! MrD.