After reading this post, I bought some deflex wrap (no ridges) to experiment with.
I treated my speaker cables first and experienced much of what 76db did. My system became lush sounding and I was hearing musical details I'd never heard before. There was a problem though. I lost much of my bass. Drum notes ceased to be tight. It was as if the sound had been filtered. I suspect that filtering the bass allowed the high end to be as good as it was but in the end I was left musically unsatisfied. I use jumpers so maybe biwiring and treating only the higher frequencies might work but I tried various amounts of deflex without success. I may have wrapped it too tight.
On the plus side, while the treatment was in place, it was so much easier to make VTA/VTF adjustments. After removing the deflex, my system sounded as if I had VTA/VTF dead on.
I redeployed the used deflex to my five shelf Target stand wrapping the four standing pillars leaving small gaps where the horizontal cross pieces are welded to the pillars. In all I wrapped sixteen pillar pieces, four for each shelf excepting the top shelf. This required six sheets of deflex wrap. (The deflex comes in 8 x 11 sheets. I cut pieces about 3.3 x 8 only allowing me 3 pieces per sheet plus a little extra. A 2.75 inch wide piece was too narrow to wrap the pillar piece easily)
This turned out better than I could have imagined. I cannot believe the tone improvement. The music is so much more rich sounding without any loss of bass. Soundstage grew much larger too.
I added the deflex to the Target stand in stages. Just treating the bottom four pillar pieces made an improvement that got better as I added more deflex. If you have a Target stand you will love this stuff.
I treated my speaker cables first and experienced much of what 76db did. My system became lush sounding and I was hearing musical details I'd never heard before. There was a problem though. I lost much of my bass. Drum notes ceased to be tight. It was as if the sound had been filtered. I suspect that filtering the bass allowed the high end to be as good as it was but in the end I was left musically unsatisfied. I use jumpers so maybe biwiring and treating only the higher frequencies might work but I tried various amounts of deflex without success. I may have wrapped it too tight.
On the plus side, while the treatment was in place, it was so much easier to make VTA/VTF adjustments. After removing the deflex, my system sounded as if I had VTA/VTF dead on.
I redeployed the used deflex to my five shelf Target stand wrapping the four standing pillars leaving small gaps where the horizontal cross pieces are welded to the pillars. In all I wrapped sixteen pillar pieces, four for each shelf excepting the top shelf. This required six sheets of deflex wrap. (The deflex comes in 8 x 11 sheets. I cut pieces about 3.3 x 8 only allowing me 3 pieces per sheet plus a little extra. A 2.75 inch wide piece was too narrow to wrap the pillar piece easily)
This turned out better than I could have imagined. I cannot believe the tone improvement. The music is so much more rich sounding without any loss of bass. Soundstage grew much larger too.
I added the deflex to the Target stand in stages. Just treating the bottom four pillar pieces made an improvement that got better as I added more deflex. If you have a Target stand you will love this stuff.