I have a Grace F9 Ruby and Signet TK 10ML on the way

Super excited to have found both of these wonderful MM examples within the space of one week. They should arrive in a week and I can't wait to spend some time comparing their virtues.

Just curious if anyone else has owned either one or both of these carts and can share what there findings were. For example what am I in for, lush smooth yet detailed or super clinical and potentially harsh?  I will be using them on an Oracle Delphi MK3 turntable with Audiomods 5, low mass tonearm.

I did once have a Signet TK 100 which had a replacement ATN 22 berylium stylus assembly and it was wonderful on a low mass arm but unfortunately I let it go as I only had a heavy tonearm at that the time and it didn't suit (still regret that).

I mainly use Moving Coil and my small collection comprises Fidelity Research FR1 MK3 F, Shinon Boron Red and Ortofon SPU GM Classic.

Look forward to hearing from members and also posting my findings once I have them in my possession.


Showing 1 response by lewm

I have two Ruby cartridges. One still has its original elliptical stylus. The other one I purchased with no cantilever at all, at a suitably low price. (OEM stylus/cantilever carrier assembly was included but with no cantilever.) The cartridge body looks new, so I figure that it got de-cantilevered early in its life. I then sent it off to SS for their ruby cantilever/OCL stylus upgrade. The latter definitely sounds "different" from the original elliptical, which is one of the most "musical" cartridges I had ever heard. Over time, I have come to prefer the SS upgrade, but it’s a matter of taste and the rest of the system.