I hate when this happens

One of those nights last night. For whatever reasons, real or imagined, the rig was singing. I went down at 11:30, “Only for a
couple tunes.” Went to bed at 3. Alarm at 5:45 was rude. At least I was in bed before the sun was coming up as often happens. 

Showing 1 response by liamowen

Now you are speaking my language.

Why is it that family members don't like full on bass or orchestra from 40 feet and 1 or 2 stories away.  I mean, it's not like they can hear it like I can.

My team has a signal; they turn the light switch on and off repeatedly as a sign to turn the music down.  When everybody's away, the lights just flicker because I am drawing so much current... from my 15 amp dedicated circuit :)