I hate biasing!

I have owned the Audio Research Reference 75 for close to a year now and do not foresee it leaving the system anytime soon.  BUT...I am continually challenged by lining up the biasing stick with the screw associated with biasing each side each side of the amp...If you own this amp would appreciate any shortcuts you have found which streamlines the time it takes to correctly position into the screw.

Ag insider logo xs@2xmattkimb96

Showing 2 responses by charles1dad

The Asthetix Atlas has a transistor output stage so there're no output tubes to bias. The only tubes are the small signal types in the input section of this amplifier. The Atlas probably sounds different from the ARC REF 75 but not necessarily better.
It makes sense to me that ARC is finally offering autobias.  I have both manual and autobias tube amplifiers and certainly do not hear any sonic degradation with the autobias amplifier.  In fact it's the best sounding amplifier I've ever had. So without question autobias can be implemented quite successfully. 