I gre out of Be Tweeters

I was at a bar the other day (well probably yesterday .... hahahah)

In any event, I was discussing how much my taste in beer has changed. I started with lagers, especially Mexican brands. Then I became a Guiness snob, and then I went over to IPAs and Belgian Abbey-style ales. Now while I can tolerate a lager, I can't stand a Belgian white at all. 

What makes me think of this here is tweeters. There was a short period of time when I thought I loved Be tweeters. I've grown completely out of them. I don't particularly like the "affordable" diamond tweeters either. I'm done.

What about you? Is there a technology you liked  earlier in this hobby and now have turned completely against?

Showing 2 responses by gyoungblood

Hopefully your examples of "beryllium" and "affordable diamond" aren't Usher drivers because those are actually titanium/ceramic lol.

That said I really like the SB TW29BN beryllium. Ever have any experience with that driver?
I used to avoid coaxials because everyone talked about so-called "doppler distortion" but I learned from Andrew Jones it's basically non-existent in a 3-way and I prefer the way coaxs image over the traditional vertical driver alignment.