I give up . . . HD to HD2 Radio

Every year I am replacing external HD's to enjoy my library. Maybe it is the high humidity in the summer but it really gets old.

My new thought is to give up storing a library and hook up with a couple of the better HD2 streaming audio stations.

Any suggestions?

Showing 3 responses by puerto

That may be the answer Unsound but I will likely be to old to play music when that happens!!

I thought maybe there were some internet sites where you can listen to streaming audio, create playlists, etc.
Thanks for the response Al - Personally I think it is a failure of the actual drive assembly. I have several HD's that contain my library and nothing seems to work. The Drive Assembly is a Cavalry Raid 1 set-up and I am on my third set of HDs for it. Right now I have Western Digital Black HDs in the box and they are less than a year old.

I do have a surge protector on them. One thing not in my favor (Mexico) is a very high humidity and although I keep a fan on the HD unit it could be that the problem is in the humidity.

All in all I am very frustrated. I love my library (only about 1500 CDs) but it is a constant battle to keep it alive. Thank heaven I keep a single HD backup. It plays now but only one song at a time. At least the music is there!
I have come around to your way of thinking on the Raid configurations Al. The examples of Cavalry units that you referenced are not the same as mine. My Cavalry is a completlely enclosed unit with the two HDs in side. I think the answer is to make sure my back-up single HD is up to date and then copy it off on to another similar unit.

You have confirmed my thinking. Thank you for taking the time
