I Find Primalunas Ugly. How about You? Is there an alternative?

The curved cage on Primaluna amplifiers is extremely ugly. Their shiny cases do not help. Visually, they are worse than forgettable. I like the look of Line Magnetic amps, but they sound terrible. Is there a decent alternative?

Showing 1 response by kykat

I have a PL Dialogue Premium pre but almost didn't buy it due to not being a fan of the breadbox look (curved tube cage). Glad I got over it as I've been very happy with the sound. I usually have the cage off as most of my listening is done at night with the room darkened and I love to see the tubes glow. When I have the cage in place I think nothing of it - guess it bothered me when I was looking to buy but no issues now. Lots of choices out there so take your time and do plenty of research. Good luck!