I feel bad for GenX'ers that missed out on the 60s and 70s.

I feel sad for GenX'ers and millennials that missed out on two of the greatest decades for music. The 60s and 70s. 

Our generation had Aretha Franklin, Etta James, James Brown, Beatles, Queen, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, David Bowie, Joni Mitchell, Otis Redding, Sam Cooke, Jimi Hendrix, Donna Summer, Earth Wind and Fire, Stevie Wonder, Ray Charles, The Kinks, The Stones, The Doors, Elton John, Velvet Underground and loads more

We saw these legends live during their peak, concert tickets were cheaper, music was the everything to youth culture, we actually brought album on a vinyl format (none of that crappy CDs or whatever the kids call it).

60s-70s were the greatest time to be a music fan.

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There is a book out on Steve Goodman called "Facing the Music". Does anyone have it? There is a CD in the back with twenty some rare Goodman tracks. I did the CD for the author Clay Eals. He was in town a couple of years ago. He was invited to give a talk to a college class at Muhlenburg College. The professor is a friend of mine so I was invited to sit in on the talk. Now these two men are the epitome of the sixties. Intelligent, articulate and likeable. BUT, tried as they did to convey how good Steve Goodmans music is and why younger people need to hear it was LOST on the entire class. (Maybe 30 students). Some asked questions and tried to understand and appreciate what was said but there were no converts that day. It was an interesting hour however. Joe