I don't get it

I breeze through the Agon classifieds every few days and am absolutely astounded by the number of listings of equipment that is "less than 1 year old" and in many cases less than 3 months old. The implied financial hits are staggering. I have developed a number of theories:

1) The equipment is being bought by store/distributor employees at or close to wholesale and being flipped at no loss or maybe even a profit.

2) Audiophiles have some sort of obsessive-compulsive disorder that forces them to continue to change out components irrespective of need or cost.

3) Audiophilia(?) is like being addicted to herion, every day you need a new fix because whatever the last addition did for you, it wore off and something new is needed.

4) Some audiophiles have way too much money.

Don't get me wrong - I appreciate the chance to buy equipment at a discount as I generally can't bring myself to pay retail for most of this stuff. However, I'm curious why all this nearly new equipment is here.


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