I DON'T GET IT!!!!!!


I just purchased a Chord Qutest to add to my system: Heed Elixir integrated amp and Bluesound Node 2. The amp and the Node 2 work fine together using the internal DAC of the Node 2, but when I try to hook up the Qutest, I get no sound from the speakers. I initially tried connecting the Qutest to the Node 2 by USB, but then read that Bluesound players do not support digital audio output via USB. So then I tried an optical connection between the two (because it was the only other cord I had handy), and that didn't work either. I can try a coaxial cable, but I don't have one on hand, and also am confused about exactly how a coaxial cable connects to the Qutest and Node 2.

A diagram showing the entire hookup between all the components would be really helpful, but can't find one anywhere. Looking on Youtube and elsewhere has yielded no helpful information. I'm guessing this may be an easy fix, but am lost at the moment. I would really appreciate it if there is anyone in Audiogon land that could help me out with this nagging problem. Thanks!
I believe the  usb port on the node2 is for diagnosis not for output. Try a coaxial cable.
I'm curious about the MQA comparison myself, whether the Node 2 will "do better" with its built-in DAC that's optimized for MQA. As soon as I get everything in place with the right cables and such, I'm going to do a direct comparison of the two DACs regarding MQA. Still waiting on some cables, but should be soon...