I didn’t know that Did you guys know that?

Looking through old Absolute Sound issues, I found this reply from Robert Harley to a letter:

"...Among those who have actually listened to CDs and CD-Rs copied from those CDs, the debate was settled long ago - CD-Rs sound better."

Is that a fact?

Showing 1 response by tomcy6

MAM-A regular data cd-rs are also very high quality and can be recommended for long life.

The gold archival quality would be audiophile overkill though. If audiophile overkill works for you in general, then get the gold archival MAM-A.

I have generic cheapies that I have left in my truck for over 9 years in Arizona (temperatures often over 100 degrees) as an experiment. They still play just fine.

To me the key is to store them in the dark. Opaque cardboard or plastic boxes you can buy at Bags Unlimited will do the trick. leaving them out where they are exposed to even indoor ambient light will destroy them fairly quickly.