I didn’t know that Did you guys know that?

Looking through old Absolute Sound issues, I found this reply from Robert Harley to a letter:

"...Among those who have actually listened to CDs and CD-Rs copied from those CDs, the debate was settled long ago - CD-Rs sound better."

Is that a fact?

Showing 5 responses by rok2id

Amazing!!! you can quote a guy like Harley and get responses, but woe be unto anyone that dare mention anyone from stereo review. would be funny, if not so sad.
'All I know is that everything matters, anything is possible and we don't fully understand audio reproduction'

No it does not, No it's not and yes we do. Everything else is geared towards putting money is some guys pocket.
I think Stereo Review folded, but the truths it proclaimed are still true. The reviewers for that mag are still held in low regard by the zealots on this forum. I often wonder why.