I currently own a pair of Martin Logan WSL Impressions

I am looking at either the Manley Neo Classic 250 or 500 which would be a better fit for the speakers. I am currently using a Peachtree nova 300 for the amp. What are your opinions On the Manleys with these speakers ?

All ML esl’s are great speakers BUT!!! need an amp that can do current even the ones with active bass (I’ve had a few ML esl’s) they can go down to low impedances especially 1ohm in the highs and sound rolled off with unsuitable amps. Peachtree??(Class-D’s) don’t seem to like the 1ohm either for stability.

Your ML’s don’t need many watts being 91dB efficiency, but still need that current.
A great amp I can think of is a Gryphon Diablo 120 integrated (or 300)
And if they are too expensive the equivalent (working mans Gryphon) the Parsound Halo Hint integrated or later Hint 6.

Cheers George
Considerable step up from the Peachtree. How much, the wallet and ears will let you know.

You're going from a practical compact to a Porsche with manual 5 speed. Do you know how to drive a manual? Interesting decision you made with all the options out there.

Definitely will make your ML's sing like never before. You're also gonna need a preamp, so add another $5K+.