I can't handle digital after analog light my fire

I am sure many of you are crossing the same bridge, after having several CDP and DAC's from diferent sources and tricks to make digital alive, this days as much music as I have on Cds I rarely play them, sometimes I have to push myself to do it cause i miss some good jazz and vocals but after 30 minutes i come back to analog, listening anything literally,
i am wondering if anyone experience the same?
and what it will come next for me....

regards and thank you.

Showing 1 response by mapman

I was that way with CDs/digital from about 1998-2007. Then one day, a light bulb went off and I figured I must be doing something wrong. So I started a concentrated and past due extensive system upgrade to get my digital sounding as good as my vinyl. The jist of the upgrade ran from ~2008-2010. Only my Triangle monitors and my Denon CD recorder survived. Everything else including wires changed.

So now, after all that work and a bit of expense, I am in digital nirvana!

Few things really good come easy.