no stereo can replicate the sound of a live orchestra. that can be vexing.
I can't get no satisfaction ...... smile
These days with my allaerts breuer tonearm cart combo and the rest of my system, together I have a sound that is very close to the kind of sound i am looking for and the kind of sound i expect from a hi fidelity system. At moments it sounds state of the art... with certain recordings, with certain instruments. I'm talking mostly hear about the timbre of certain instruments and overall tonal shadings.
I am still trying to identify the qualities that i dont feel i have with my systems sound that once i DO have, will get me to the point where i am absolutely blown away almost every time i listen!
Huge order I know. But i feel like i'm getting close to that. I might be just a couple tiny steps away from that. It could be a record mat change or a stand or a cable or something. The quality that i lack isnt obvious but subtle and fine but i can't seem to pin point it.
Part of my problem is...I have no idea of how good it can get? I wish i could fly to some of the systems that are shown here on audiogon so i can get a better read on how i'm doing! [smile]
I have heard other audiophiles systems but the more the better i think.
Does anyone else struggle with the question of how good their systems sound or doesnt and with the question of whats possible?[ i guess as audiophiles we all do to some degree or another]
How many people Love the sound of their system every single time they listen and are not trying to find ways to better their sound? [i thought this might become an interesting thread]
I would imagine their are some really, really frustrated people out there! some wont even find this thread because they sold their gear about 3 years ago and bought an ipod!
I would say for me it changes, not because i get a new component but even from one listen to the next with the same identical system. It could be my, the angle at which i come at the music, if you know what i mean.
Overall i am pretty satisfied, sometimes all the tweaking of vta and vtf and different pressings can throw the sound, that drives me batty sometimes. For many years i went back and forth between loving hifi and loathing it. I'd say i'm a couple years away from having all the bugs hammered out of my system and will have it running optimally and will be just listening and buying records only, with maybe the occasional exploration into different gear for pleasure purposes. We'll see what time brings though!
How bout' you?
I am still trying to identify the qualities that i dont feel i have with my systems sound that once i DO have, will get me to the point where i am absolutely blown away almost every time i listen!
Huge order I know. But i feel like i'm getting close to that. I might be just a couple tiny steps away from that. It could be a record mat change or a stand or a cable or something. The quality that i lack isnt obvious but subtle and fine but i can't seem to pin point it.
Part of my problem is...I have no idea of how good it can get? I wish i could fly to some of the systems that are shown here on audiogon so i can get a better read on how i'm doing! [smile]
I have heard other audiophiles systems but the more the better i think.
Does anyone else struggle with the question of how good their systems sound or doesnt and with the question of whats possible?[ i guess as audiophiles we all do to some degree or another]
How many people Love the sound of their system every single time they listen and are not trying to find ways to better their sound? [i thought this might become an interesting thread]
I would imagine their are some really, really frustrated people out there! some wont even find this thread because they sold their gear about 3 years ago and bought an ipod!
I would say for me it changes, not because i get a new component but even from one listen to the next with the same identical system. It could be my, the angle at which i come at the music, if you know what i mean.
Overall i am pretty satisfied, sometimes all the tweaking of vta and vtf and different pressings can throw the sound, that drives me batty sometimes. For many years i went back and forth between loving hifi and loathing it. I'd say i'm a couple years away from having all the bugs hammered out of my system and will have it running optimally and will be just listening and buying records only, with maybe the occasional exploration into different gear for pleasure purposes. We'll see what time brings though!
How bout' you?