I can't believe there is no difference

I just took home a Cambridge D500SE player to audition in my system. My favortite dealer recommends this player for anything below is $1500.

To give you some background, I had heard it before with a $4000 McCormick amp and Soliloquy 5.3 speakers. That day I compared it to a very expensive YMB player with the same setup. I could tell a difference but not that much really.

But what I can't believe is that the difference between the Cambridge and my $250 Panasonic DVD player is almost nil! The panasonic is known too be one of the best for video, but I'm sure is just average for audio. What is the deal?
Can someone tell me what I'm overlooking?

The Cambridge is using Tara Labs RSC Prime cables and a Tara Labs Special AC cord. The panasonic is connected via a Toslink cable to a Yamaha RXV-995 receiver. I know, I know... but that's supposed to be the next upgrade. Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the player use it's own DAC with analog output and the the receiver's with when connected digitaly? The only thing I can figure is the DAC in the Yammie is as good as the the new 24/192 Crystal DAC in the Cambridge.

The slight differences I noticed, and these were only on maybe 1/3 of my CD's are:

1. the panasonic was slightly, very slightly brighter, but just as full. I hate to say bright, but it's just that the highs were a little more emphasized.

2. The Cambridge seemed to the slightest bit slower paced, maybe I'm confusing this with smoothness, I don't know.

I know the Cambridge is not an ultra-high end piece, but from what I've been told it should be significantly better than a cheap DVD player.

Then I hooked up the Cambridge optical (toslink) to the yamaha's DVD optical DVD input, leaving the analog hooked up also. I did a A/B with the remote between "CD" and "DVD" and noticed the subtle difference in brightness. So the only thing I can figure is that the panasonic DVD player/Yamaha combo gives me 99% what the cambridge does without having to spend another $400 plus cables.

Could it be that with a better amp, I may notice more differnce? Right now, I'm thinking allocating my funds elsewhere. I'm starting to lose confidence in the arguement for the source being so important.

oh yea, forgot to mention that I don't think it's the speakers because they're the strongest link in my chain right now. Soliloquy 5.3

Showing 3 responses by dwpc

You're correct in assuming that the TOSlink from your DVD player is a direct digital signal to the internal DAC in the Yamaha reciever. It's also not surprising that you don't hear much difference between the Yamaha DAC and the Cambridge CDP.

Have you tried a comparison using the analog outputs from the DVD player against the Cambridge? There's where you're more likely to hear the difference.

There simply isn't THAT much room for DAC improvement in a $400 CDP from a low volume mfr like Cambridge. By the time you subtract dealer markup, shipping, mfr. markup, advertising, the cost of the CD transport, controls, remote, etc., how much do you think Cambridge spends on their DAC section compared to Yamaha? And don't underestimate Yamaha's DAC; their experience in digital audio design is extensive and their buying power is vast.

While I'm not familiar with your Yamaha, its quite possible that its simply not capable of revealing much difference between two reasonably good DACs. Home theater A/V receivers are full of compromises; with the critical power supply and amp capacitors usually taking the back seat.

I'd say you should rearrange you're spending priorities. Forget about expensive cables until you've got electronics that warrant them. Until then, it's like putting racing tires on a Camry.
Your test will exclude the Yamaha internal DAC, which for now, seems to be the heart of the issue. If you have a full refund warranty on the Cambridge, I think it would be best to break it in for as long as you can, then compare it to the Yamaha/DVD combo at home. If there's still little difference, it would seem to me to be a $400 (plus cost of i/c's) no-brainer.

Trust only YOUR ears (or those of a trusted friend). If you can't hear a difference, chances are there IS no significant difference.
Keep the Yamaha as preamp??
If you're not in a hurry to spend $$, check your Yammie to see if it will function as a preamp. If so, you can shop for a satisfactory power amp and won't lose FM tuner function (provided you use it). I did that with my Parasound receiver and was pleasantly surprised to find that its preamp section operated as Class A and had excellent performance when coupled with a power amp. Though I had planned to buy a preamp and tuner, I found I really didn't need them.