I blew up my receiver. Now what?

I brought my Integra DTM7 to Europe. Plugged it in, and POP! I discovered that unlike my other electronics, it definitely could not handle 220v wall current. Smoke poured from the vents for a while, even though I immediately unplugged it. 

1. What did I break? A fuse? A capacitor? Everything?

2. What’s the best way to get it back up and running here in Europe?



Showing 1 response by asvjerry

BBQ'd any other devices?

"...I love the smell of fried circuitry in the evening gloom...."

Once upon a time, some equipment had that small 'fail-safe' switch that read '110vac><220vac' by the line cords' strain relief.
If one was lucky, and it was new, the 'gender bender' plug that allowed for Euro wall sockets...

...but I guess I'm just showing my age....*tapping cattle-prod cane on the floor softly to a beat*