I am enjoying my analog system, but what can I do to improve?

I currently have Technics 1200G turntable with Dynavector 17XD cartridge playing through Kitsune LCR 1 MK5 phono pre and Allnic L7000 preamp. My amps are Pass X350.5 and Benchmark AHB2 driving Sound Lab ESL speakers. My system sounds great, but I am wondering how I can take my system to another level. What do you think?


Showing 1 response by grossman616

You have a very nice system.

What are you doing about vibration and RF interference??

Putting McCormack Tip Toes under my amp did an amazing job in bringing the sound to another level. Improved clarity, wider/deeper sound stage etc etc, it was almost shocking what a difference these little guys make.

I have put them under my CDP's and DAC as well.

I have lots of different vibration dampening material under everything else. most of this stuff is NOT from Audiophile sources. Most material are standard vibration material/solutions for commercial applications.

I do have a set of ISONODE units combined with a heavy butcher block cutting board under my TT which was another inexpensive improvement.

My rack sits on 4 big "Vibe-Killers" pucks meant for large Washer/ dryers for example.

Before you spend money on gear try tweaks like that.

Fuses are another thing you may try and AC power conditioners for source gear.

Replacing AC outlets with commercial/Hospital grade units help. I spent a bit more and bought a Cabledyne  heavy duty /cryo/deluxe outlet for about $50 ???It was years ago, I don't remember the exact price. PS Audio has similar units for about 100 bucks. It has helped lower the noise floor a good bit.

There are plenty of very high quality SurgeX power conditioners on the used market that can be had at very reasonable prices. I'm in Television Broadcasting and our control rooms and rack rooms all run through their products.

Stay away from Furman and the like.

These are all relatively inexpensive additions that will yield noticeable results .

