I am considering a luxman 3600 tube amp as my first adventure into tube amplifiers?

I am considering a Luxman 3600 tube amp for my first adventure into tube amplifiers. The amp. has been modified to use KT88 tubes with a corresponding output of 30 Watts, a recent servicing and update of the 3600 to accommodate the KT88 tubes with a corresponding reduction from the original 50 to 30 watts. The unit has received approximately 80 hours of use since this service.  I have been assured by the seller that the $700.00 upgrade was performed by a an experienced service professional, which he has used many times, and has complete confidence in.  I was wondering what members experience has been with the Luxman 3600 and any comments they may have. I will be using the Luxman at low to moderate volume levels with a Acoustic Research Preamp. (LS 25II) and Wilson Benesch Square 2 speakers. I am purchasing the used unit without being able to test it with my existing system due to distance constraints. I must admit I am very excited about purchasing my first tube amplifier and experiencing the holographic sound people talk about.


Showing 1 response by hgeifman

Is the Luxman 3600 tube amp really 50 years old and modified?  For your first experience with tube amps, I suggest something newer that can be checked if something breaks.  As was stated above, a 50 year old modified tube amp could be an issue  

I am not familiar with Wilson Benesch Square 2 speakers but believe 30wpc is not nearly enough power.  Please do not rush your decision and do more research.