Hyperion HPS-938 speakers

Has anyone had any experience with the Hyperion HPS-938? Seem to be having a problem with them being bright in the top end, lean in the mids, and light on the base. In all the reviews I have read never any talk of these problems. I have Arcam gear and Nordost cables. Have had them for quite some time. Any thoughts??

Showing 18 responses by hawkeye43

I have an Arcam P1000. Using it in a 5.1 system. The spare two channels are being used to bi-amp the fronts. Looking at the McIntosh MC-207 and the NAD M25 amps to replace it. Now wondering if I should keep the amp and change the speakers. I have tons of detail and a wide and deep soundstage, just no "meat on the bone" so to speak.
Transnova (Larry),

Do you think Mac solid state amps get me closer to tube sound? Have to keep home theater in mind also. Tubes are not practical in my set up.

I am running an Arcam FMJ CD-33 into a Musical Fidelity X10v3 tube buffer into my pre-amp/processor. With Nordost Red Dawn cables connecting them. Just added Nordost Heimdall speaker cables and like them very much. Would like to add the interconnects (Heimdall) to replace the Red Dawns. I have Audioquest Panther and Jaguar between my amp and pre-amp. (All of which are balanced). Probably going to my the Mac MC-207 very soon! (as long as my wife doesn't find out how much it cost's).

Do the Audioquests match up well with the Mac? I do have several pairs of single ended Red Dawns lying around to sub in if needs be. A new CD player will be way down the pipe but it will probably make a big difference too. Alot of options out there but where I live not many dealers and few choices in the high end arena.
I did a phase test on the woofer cabinets using a AA battery. When hooked up positive to positive and negative to negative the woofers moved in. It is my understanding that the woofer should move out if the polarity is correct. Neither cabinet move as it should. Sent a message to Hyperion yesterday and haven't heard anything yet. Anyone make any sense of this.
Dracule1- Thanks for the link. It helps and the isonodes sound to good to be true. 4 large per speaker or the 5 smaller? Which is better?
Hey guys forgot to mention that these speakers are sitting on heavy carpet. The heavy speakers cause the spikes to go through the carpet and are resting on the concrete slab. Is this the killer I think it may be?
Well I pulled the trigger, I purchased a McIntosh MC-207. It should be here around Wednesday. Looking foward to getting it in and seeing what it can do for the Hyperions. Curious to see if it matches up well with my Nordost and Audioquest cables. If not there will be some cables for sale. My local dealer says that Mac and Nordost match up well, his opinion (he is a dealer for both). If not,there isn't many other options here locally. Will have to go to somewhere like the cable company, and in my experience they are spotty when it comes to service. They do have a huge selection of cables though.

Hopefully, this is the start of building a true "higher" end system. Next will probably be a pre-amp. But that is down the road.
Just received my new McIntosh MC-207 it today. I installed it in my system and notice right away of more bass than my Arcam amp. The soundstage seems tight and the highs are sharp.

Are all these sighs of a new amp just trying to run in? if so how long does it take?
It has been running in for almost 48 hours. Has cooled off quite a bit. Still needs to open up some. Not throwing as much "air" as the Arcam was. Looking foward to hearing it at it's best. Going to borrow some innerconnects, Nordost Heimdall, Syn. Research, and Kimber Kable to run between my pre amd power amps. The Kimber is an all silver cable. Never had all silver in my system before. Any suggestions, other cable options?
This is a post script to my last post, but you guys should get a kick out of this. Had not mention the new amp purchase to my wife. About a week goes by and she haden't noticed it in the rack. We started watching a move and she ask "why does it sound so different?", I replyed, "Different good or different bad"? She says "it sounds so much better", at that point I know that the amp was staying. If anyone ever asks, you guys don't know anything. Ha Ha,



Any thoughts on whay the system seems to have lost its "air" to a point. Everything sounds right but not nearly as much "air". They only wierdness to my system is a Musical Fidelity Tube Buffer that is still in the mix. Worked wonders with the Arcam amp. Only thing I can think of that is unusual. Again any thoughts? Sorry to keep hounding away. Hoping it is just run in time.
The Mac. has been running for 7 days solid. Always find it wierd that the sound changes so much over time. It is relly starting to sound pretty damm good. Still love just a tad more "air" but it is still sounds great. Bass is out of sight. and the mids are much smooter. But still retaineds alot of detal.

Now playing with some loaner innerconnects. Love he Heimdall, Syn. Research I'm on on the fence with. The Kimber select is the KS-1011. Thought I was receiving KS-1021. Wanted to see what silver is going to sound like in my system. Anyone had any experience with those boutique cable places. They are less money, but how do they do in the real world.

Going to bring over a friends B&W 804's tomorrow. Interested on seeing how well they match up against the Hyperion 938's? And at the end of all questions is to dump or not to dump the Arcam Pre/pro or the Arcam FMJ cd player. What do you guys think??
Answering a couple of questions. First the B&W's did not fair nearly as well as I thought they would. It was amazing the difference between the two. The 938 were better in everyway. Given that they are close in price I expected a much better fight. Makes me feel better about the Hyperions.

Since changing from a Arcam to a McIntosh amp the speakers shine. I have not heard it with SET tube amps and would love too. But, the solid state McIntosh has opened my mind on what the speakers can do. Was very worried with the Arcam amp driving them.

The other thing I have noticed is that the Hyperions are very sensitive to differend cabeling. Have been trying different pairs from the "Cable Company". Hate to say it but the Nordost Heimdalls and the Tara Labs RSC 1 series 2 are great too, but expensive. (these are innerconnects between the preamp and amp). Have looked at smaller companys like Signal,Morrow,Rscables,Audio Art cables. Prices look good but harder to find reliable reviews to help make the leap with them.

Before the Mac I was ready to put them up for sale and move on but now I have seemed to have connected with them.
Next a preamp. What to by.......?

I have been thinking hard about preamps. Leaning towards the Arcam FMJ P9 Think thoes number are correct. Also the Mac mx-136 both are a bit pricy. Maybe quite a while. not sure how else to set it up??
Haven't been on for a while. Sorry.... my budget is 6k or less. Have been thinking about it and not sure how to make it all work together going that way? HT processor makes sense because it is easier. But, if there is another way that will give me better sound I'm interested! The WAF is important. She uses the system too. (guess I sould lock the door when I leave).

When it comes to hooking it all up the video pass through is easy the way I have it set now. I do have a DVDO IScan VP 30 doing all my scaling. Very powerful unit if you can figure the thing out. (just and FYI when we are talking about hooking everyting up and trying to keep it easy).

Thanks for your time,

Still looing into this setup. It looks like in HT pass through coming from the processor through to the stereo preamp a pair in a pair out, not two pair out to the amp. It appears that in pass through mode it will only pass a single pair through. Will I have to use a (I'm using balanced) splitter at the amp to get the full four channels for the biamp? If so, does the splitter effect the sound if using high quality cables??


Mariusz,It was a hard decision, looked at the Dodd and the Mac C-2200 and had to go with the Mac.  The Dodd was a close second.  Just think I will get a great match out of the Mac with my Mac MC-207. It should be here on Monday. Can't wait to get in in an run in. Will keep you up to date once I get it all together.

